The app submission get rejected by apple. we need to adhere to comments (that weren't applied on previous versions)
See with @delandtj he is more aware of the stories and their specs and how we are going to execute them
ticket updated
Due date and assignees can happen from the ticket sidebar
All of the items checked are done and part of the upcoming 3.15 release
the typescript and the dashboard integration are already in progress for 3.16…
- the integration on the phone is done and already tested on other envs (pending an official release)
- kyc service is already deployed on all networks (there's an official release for the…
FYI: everything ins the suggested specs is implemented,
Still undertesting and fixing what got reported since the last release as shown in the board
Everything in the story is implemented except for the integration in the dashboard and the gateways.
code for migration is done this should handle the migration part, so no reboot will be required