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Community Brainstorming for 3.14 Grid

Table of Contents


This proposition takes inputs from different members of the TF Community. It's a brainstorming exercise in a way. It's not a TF official position, just a thought experiment.

Without thinking about technical difficulties, I try to envision an overall resilient TF ecosystem that answers the demands and needs of the community.

Proposition Overview

In brief, the TF overview would be as follows:

  1. A maximum supply of 1 billion TFT
  2. Evenly distributed farming rewards throughout the minting period
  3. Users discounts for mass deployments
  4. Farming staking vault and farming collateral
  5. Public staking vault (user staking)
  6. DAO revenues (staking vault revenues) distributed to DAO voters
  7. Slashing events for nodes (with bountry programs for users)
  8. Collateral info displayed on dashboard with alerts when nodes' collateral are being unstaked
  9. Communication channels for TF, the users and the farmers
  10. System for farmers to announce maintenance window without loss of reputation or the like
  11. Increase in the farming difficulty level for new nodes
  12. 50% utilization revenues to farmers
  13. Node uptime score and hardware information on Dashboard
  14. Adjust grid deployment costs to fit with resources
  15. Part of node additional fees goes to the TF Foundation for grant, R&D, etc.
  16. Ensure a proper utilization/capacity ratio (perhaps per region/country? TBD)
  17. Farmers should be able to use their tokens at all times for deployments, without having to wait any grace periods.
  18. Develop a system for someone to make revenues out of developing on the grid. This can be done in many ways and should be discussed.

Proposition Details

Here are the details of this proposition:

  1. 1 billion TFT maximum supply
  2. Farming rewards (POC) distribution update:
    1. Earliest registered nodes paid the earliest, in batches: E.g. we have 4 minting distribution per month, and nodes are categorized in the 4 batches based on the moment they registered on chain, nodes registered the earliest (not in the minting cycle, but in absolute time), are in the first batch, etc. Can be done manually first, and automated in mid/long-term.
  3. Users discounts on mass deployment
    1. If you have say 1000 deployments you can have a 10% discount. Real numbers TBD. This could further attract mass utilization by resellers.
  4. Farming TFT Staking Vault & Farming Collateral
    1. The equivalent of X months (TBD, propositions so far: between 2 and 6 months) of farming per node is kept as collateral in a farmed TFT staking vault.
    2. Any TFT more than X-month worth of farming per node is available to unstake given a 5 days cooldown period
    3. TFT in farmed TFT staking vault with the min X-months of farming collateral are eligible to vote for the DAO
    4. TFT farmed in TFT staking vault have 1.2 DAO voting power per TFT
    5. A farmer can unstake all TFT (with the 2-month collateral) given a cooldown period of 10 days.
      1. Once they removed all collateral
        1. They do not farm any more POC rewards. They can still farm POU rewards.
        2. They cannot vote on the DAO, i.e. TFT is removed from the farming TFT staking vault.
    6. If a farmer unstake TFT in a farmed TFT staking vault, the only way to stake it is to put the TFT in a public TFT vault (see below)
      1. This means that farmed TFT staking vault contains TFT that has been minted and then used for TF DAO process only!
  5. Public TFT Staking Vault
    1. Anyone can stake TFT in a public TFT staking vault
      1. TFT staked in this vault for more than 20 days before a new GEP can vote for this GEP
      2. TFT staked in a public vault have 1.0 DAO voting power per TFT.
      3. Unstaking has a 10 days cooldown period.
  6. DAO Revenues: Farming + Public Staking Vault Revenues
    1. A % of POU revenues go to the vault wallet (e.g. 10%)
    2. Vault revenues are distributed to the DAO voters after each complete quarter (e.g. 4 times per year)
  7. Slashing
    1. The farming collateral can be slashed if a workload is destroyed during utilization.
      1. This has an added bonus of ensuring new nodes are serious about providing capacity and creating another utility for token.
    2. Bounty Hunting program for Slashing Events (bad nodes):
      1. There is a slash event and a bountry reward to the user when a user finds a node that
        1. cant accept a deployment
        2. doesn't have a public ip when listed that they do
        3. destroys the deployment during utilization
        4. Etc. (Todo: build list of slashable events)
  8. The Dashboard should show which nodes have their min collateral quantity. And alerts should be sent to users when the nodes they are using get the collateral unstaked (e.g. for slashing events or simply the farmers removing the collateral amount)
  9. Communication Channel: Farmers and Users Contact Info
    1. There must be efficient communication channels between farmers and users for maintenance and service reasons.
      1. Farmers should have users info (e.g. email) to be able to send maintenance notifications, etc.
      2. Users/TFGrid should be able to contact farmers (email and telephone)
  10. System for farmers to announce maintenance window without loss of reputation or the like
    1. A mechanism where farmers could go through an announcement procedure, that downtime is expected on a node/farm due to maintenance or upgrade, without loosing any reputation or rewards
  11. Farming difficulty and Proof-of-capacity: farmers get POC rewards based on 0.08 farming registration price (farming difficulty level)
    1. We increase the farming difficulty for newly registered nodes when demanded by the DAO
    2. As a first step, we increase difficulty level to 0.10 USD (25% increase in farming difficulty)
    3. As TFT utilization grows, its price should increase and the DAO should naturally vote to increase the farming difficulty level.
  12. Proof-of-utilization: farmers get 50% of POU rewards
  13. Node uptime score and hardware information on Dashboard
    1. Add an uptime score on the Dashboard so users can see which nodes are the most online
      1. High-availability nodes would come first in the search.
    2. Add the maximum info on the node hardware for users to choose as they see fit
  14. Revised grid deployment costs parameters in accordance with the market and best practice for TF and high access for users
  15. Part of Farming additional fees to TF Foundation
    1. Currently, 100% goes to the farmer. A certain % (e.g. 10%) could be diverted to the TF Foundation for R&D, grant programs, etc.
  16. Ensure a proper utilization/capacity ratio (perhaps per region/country? TBD)
    1. Regulate the creation of new nodes when there is a lot of empty capacity
    2. This could be per country or region to avoid a scenario where overall capacity outgrows utilization, but in one country capacity is needed (e.g. there's a lot of demand locally)
    3. This needs to be further discussed
    4. Example: New nodes under 33% of utilization per country can only farm POU, but not POC.
  17. Farmers should be able to use their tokens at all times for deployments, without having to wait any grace periods.
    1. E.g. a farmer purchase an IKON XL that generates approx. 650 TFT, from which they could use 400 TFT to setup a nice cloud environmont. This should always remain the option. No waiting, no locking, no grace period.
  18. Develop a system for someone to make TFT revenues out of developing on the grid (providing solutions, dashboard, etc.)
    1. E.g. find a way to have something along the lines of the previous solution provider system work.
    2. E.g. the person hosting a grid stack could get a % of that dashboard instance's revenues to their wallet
    3. Note: the current option to add an additional contract on top of the current one means unequal competition. So not ideal.

Note: This is based on community feedback over many discussions. Ideally, we can integrate those points here with the ongoing 3.14 plan as shared by Kristof at the top of this page. Link to 3.14 ebook