2024-03-18 14:28:08 +02:00

845 B

Minimum requirement Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Minimal SLA's need to be achieved before the farming reward can be earned (uptime, bandwidth, latency, ...)

Today a subset is active:

  • Uptime 99% (which is upto 7.2h downtime per month.)

More service levels agreements will be required, the DAO will decide on those changes. Requests can be made by everyone by means of GEP.

Some Ideas

  • minimal bandwidth requirement.
  • minimal network latency requirement.
  • minimal distance between Certified Nodes for the super node concept.
  • different uptime requirement for Certified vs DIY nodes

If SLA (Service Level Agreement) was not achieved for 3 consecutive months, then the TFNode will have to re-register which means the CU/SU reward will be recalculated at that time and re-registered in TFChain for that node, just like a new one.