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Smart Contract IT Details
Smart Contract IT Data Structure
The user creates a contract using an SDK, user interface (browser) or the digital twin.
contract = {
version: contractVersion,
contract_id: contractID,
twin_id: NumericTwinID for the contract,
// node_address is the node address.
node_id: NumericNodeID
// data is the encrypted deployment body. This encrypted the deployment with the **USER** public key. So only the user can read this data later on (or any other key that he keeps safe).
// this data part is read only by the user and can actually hold any information to help him reconstruct his deployment or can be left empty.
data: encrypted(deployment) // optional
// hash: is the deployment predictable hash. the node must use the same method to calculate the challenge (bytes) to compute this same hash.
//used for validating the deployment from node side.
deployment_hash: hash(deployment),
// public_ips: number of ips that need to be reserved by the contract and used by the deployment
public_ips: 0,
state: ContractState (created, deployed),
public_ips_list: list of public ips on this contract
- The
field is the target node's ID. A user can do lookup for a node to find its corresponding ID. - The workload data is encrypted by the user and contains the workload definition for the node.
If public_ips
is specified, the contract will reserve the number of public ips requested on the node's corresponding farm. If there are not enough ips available an error will be returned. If the contract is canceled by either the user or the node, the IPs for that contract will be freed.
This contract is registered on the blockchain.
consumption reports
The Node periodically sends consumption reports back to the chain for each deployed contract. The chain will compute how much is being used and will charte the user in TFT.
A report looks like:
"contract_id": contractID,
"timestamp": "timestampOfReport",
"cru": cpus,
"sru": ssdInBytes,
"hru": hddInBytes,
"mru": memInBytes,
"nru": trafficInBytes
Usage of SU, CU and NU will be computed based on the prices and the rules that Threefold set out for cloud pricing.
Users need to pay using TFT.
Sending the workloads encrypted to the chain makes sure that nobody except the user can read his deployment data. It also facilitates a way for the user to recreate his workload data from the chain.
multiple users can sign the smart contract for IT
It's possible to sign workloads with multiple users to deploy a workload in all security.
Users can use multisignature for this (from v3.9.0).