2024-02-27 14:11:12 +03:00

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Web 4 Goals

  • 10x faster development efficiency should be possible
    • One Language to do all (smart contract, backend, frontend, logic …)
    • Easy to read & learn (few ways how to do things)
    • Leads to less security issues and lower maintenance cost
  • Resolve the onion issue
    • Solutions grow exponentially in complexity as they grow, Web 4 resolves this
  • No Painkiller Approach (resolve the root of the problem)
    • Governments or Large Enterprises want one digital backbone system to resolve all their needs -Today they have too many systems and it's too complex, expensive and not secure
  • Ultimate Scale
    • We want to be able to grow to billions of users, our system is 100% scale out
    • Our smart contract for IT allows deployment of any web 2,3 and 4 workload everywhere
  • Ultimate Sovereignity
    • Governments want all data in the country and their independence
  • Antidote for the Cyber Pandemic
    • This is a very hard one, the current architectures are very vulnerable
    • The ThreeFold architecture allows for a real end2end solution
    • We have e.g. browser virtualization technology (run no javascript in existing browsers)