2024-03-18 14:28:08 +02:00

771 B

DISCLAIMER: ThreeFold Foundation organizes this process. This process is the result of the execution of code written by open source developers (zero-os and minting code) and a group of people - who checks this process voluntarily. No claims can be made or damages asked for to any person or group related to ThreeFold Foundation like but not limited to the different councils. This process changes for TFGrid 3.X once the TFDAO is fully active.

The farming rewards for 3.0 are staked per TFNode and unlocked once utilization is +30% or after 24 months.
Important note: The ThreeFold Token (TFT) is not an investment instrument. TFTs are used to buy and sell IT capacity on the ThreeFold_Grid. More info: see Proof of Capacity DAO rules