2024-05-14 13:04:07 -04:00

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IPFS on a Full VM

Table of Contents


In this ThreeFold guide, we explore how to set an IPFS node on a Full VM using the ThreeFold Playground.

Deploy a Full VM

We start by deploying a full VM on the ThreeFold Playground.

  • Go to the Threefold Playground
  • Deploy a full VM (Ubuntu 20.04) with an IPv4 address and at least the minimum specs
    • IPv4 Address
    • Minimum vcores: 1vcore
    • Minimum MB of RAM: 1024GB
    • Minimum storage: 50GB
  • After deployment, note the VM IPv4 address
  • Connect to the VM via SSH
    ssh root@VM_IPv4_address

Create a Root-Access User

We create a root-access user. Note that this step is optional.

  • Once connected, create a new user with root access (for this guide we use "newuser")
    adduser newuser
    • You should now see the new user directory
      ls /home
    • Give sudo capacity to the new user
      usermod -aG sudo newuser
    • Switch to the new user
      su - newuser
    • Create a directory to store the public key
      mkdir ~/.ssh
    • Give read, write and execute permissions for the directory to the new user
      chmod 700 ~/.ssh
    • Add the SSH public key in the file authorized_keys and save it
      nano ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  • Exit the VM
  • Reconnect with the new user
    ssh newuser@VM_IPv4_address

Set a Firewall

We set a firewall to monitor and control incoming and outgoing network traffic. To do so, we will define predetermined security rules. As a firewall, we will be using Uncomplicated Firewall (ufw). For our security rules, we want to allow SSH, HTTP and HTTPS (443 and 8443). We thus add the following rules:

  • Allow SSH (port 22)
    sudo ufw allow ssh
  • Allow port 4001
    sudo ufw allow 4001
  • To enable the firewall, write the following:
    sudo ufw enable
  • To see the current security rules, write the following:
    sudo ufw status verbose

You now have enabled the firewall with proper security rules for your IPFS deployment.

Additional Ports

We provided the basic firewall ports for your IPFS instance. There are other more advanced configurations possible. If you want to access your IPFS node remotely, you can allow port 5001. This will allow anyone to access your IPFS node. Make sure that you know what you are doing if you go this route. You should, for example, restrict which external IP address can access port 5001. If you want to run your deployment as a gateway node, you should allow port 8080. Read the IPFS documentation for more information on this. If you want to run pubsub capabilities, you need to allow port 8081. For more information, read the IPFS documentation.

Install IPFS

We install the IPFS Kubo binary.

  • Download the binary
  • Unzip the file
    tar -xvzf kubo_v0.24.0_linux-amd64.tar.gz
  • Change directory
    cd kubo
  • Run the install script
    sudo bash
  • Verify that IPFS Kubo is properly installed
    ipfs --version


We initialize IPFS and run the IPFS daemon.

  • Initialize IPFS
    ipfs init --profile server
  • Increase the storage capacity (optional)
    ipfs config Datastore.StorageMax 30GB
  • Run the IPFS daemon
    ipfs daemon
  • Set an Ubuntu systemd service to keep the IPFS daemon running after exiting the VM
    sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/ipfs.service
  • Enter the systemd info
    Description=IPFS Daemon
    ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/ipfs daemon --enable-gc
  • Enable the service
    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo systemctl enable ipfs
    sudo systemctl start ipfs
  • Verify that the IPFS daemon is properly running
    sudo systemctl status ipfs

Final Verification

We reboot and reconnect to the VM and verify that IPFS is properly running as a final verification.

  • Reboot the VM
    sudo reboot
  • Reconnect to the VM
    ssh newuser@VM_IPv4_address
  • Check that the IPFS daemon is running
    ipfs swarm peers

Questions and Feedback

If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know by either writing a post on the ThreeFold Forum, or by chatting with us on the TF Grid Tester Community Telegram channel.