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Planet Positive Farming

The ThreeFold Grid (“Grid”) has the aim to become a carbon_negative grid by the end of 2022. ThreeFold Farmers (“Farmers”) will be offsetting their carbon emissions three times and through their Farming process, will be directly involved in initiatives with the goal of regenerating the earth and enhancing the life of local communities. ThreeFold will therefore partner with an organization specialized in climate education and involving students and teachers in their quest to fight against climate change. Users of the ThreeFold Grid will therefore purchase carbon-negative internet capacity with ThreeFold Tokens ("TFT").

Part of the ThreeFold Token from the farming reward will be allocated for energy compensation and sent onto a pool dedicated for the above project.

The amount will depend on:

  • The types of 3Node run by the Farmer as each type of server varies in terms of power utilization
  • The location of the 3Node as each country has a different electricity production structure.

More variables will be taken into account to ensure the reliability of this voluntary carbon offset.

More information will be communicated to the community soon. Stay tune.