2024-03-18 14:28:08 +02:00

4.5 KiB

Strategy/Tactics Headlines

Only the top important headlines are listed here.

make the grid operational

We are the antidote for the crypto world !!!!

  • our TFT will be valuable because of utilization and size of network
  • our technology is usable and has huge potential
  • the market we operate in is huge and real
  • we don't do fake hype, pum/dump or any of the other crypto nonsense

To get to the next phase we need the grid to be operational.

Necessary Requirements

  • 100% blockchain based
  • Wisdom Council is our protection mechanism in this phase (NO DAO chec)
  • We dare to be different, but need to be more vocal about it.
  • We have a small team, doing this with the amount of people is hard, but we will and need to manage. We need super focus.
  • Enough farmers online with IP addresses and good enough network and their own operational processes

Importan Deliverable

  • Deliver the 1200 nodes we sold

What do we bring life and when

  • 2 items
    • The grid primitives: vmachine, vkube, planetary network, zdb
    • QSFS usecase (D3 partner)
  • TODO: link to the new wiki with all specs
  • working by end of summer, production end of Sept which is super fast

Planet First Accelerator

The accelerator main income = twin for life.

Necessary Requirements

  • create a group of fundraisers
  • have good presentation, make sure everyone's pitch is aligned
  • finalize the wiki (is already quit good)
  • make the deals with all related companies
  • check tbe business/finance side of the pitch


  • this is huge value creation for ThreeFold and other related projects
    • accelerator will create the usecases on top
  • otherwise we will loose some incredible projects TAG, ... because they will have to go elsewhere to fund their funding for survival
  • time seems to be now, we have people who want to help and even fund, but needs to become more tangible


  • can we do it with resources/time we have

ThreeFold Emotions

Today we are the most unknown project ever, its good we have a strong set of values but a minimal hype needs to be created. So far we have not been very good at it.

The perception needs to change

  • we are not a small too tech project
  • we are the most exciting chance for a new internet
  • we need to be out there...

Necessary Requirements

  • execution, execution, execution...
  • a strong executable story, what are we for who, and then repeat, repeat, repeat...
  • demo projects alive (each of them with a wiki is already good enough to start with and just a demo is good)
    • artheon
    • treefold world
    • kutana
    • threefold chat
    • aydo
    • threefold browser (jimber)
  • easier content, better structure in website, wiki, ...
  • actionable items
    • install threefold app
    • refer friends and earn TFT
  • leverage the networks/partners we have

Nice To Have Requirements

  • partner commitments
    • D3
    • OwnCloud

Anti Requirements

  • better design (more fancy)
  • more content, more or new blogs, we have enough stories, its already exciting enough
  • yet another complete restructuring of the websites, wikis, ...
  • more decentralization
  • more people
  • more public exchanges (our story need to counter this)

find funding for the grid = TFT tokens

There is absolutely no reason why we can't complete on a fundraise for our tokens

  • token marketcap is low
  • value of what we build is huge
  • utilization partners are coming in, and proof is there: quite some MOU
  • the farming model is sound & healthy
  • the scarcity model is sound (staking for discounts)

We need +5m USD asap... this allows us to

  • buy TFT back till we are back on 0.12
  • have funds for marketing
  • build a proper team in Dubai

Necessary Requirements

  • 2-3 MOU (almost there)
  • more demo usecase life (see above)
  • good funding wiki (like we did for TFTech)
  • good presentation
  • create fundraising team
  • tbd ...

Anti Requirements

  • an even nicer website (design)
  • even more content
  • more decentralization for decision taking (at this point lets just get it to work)

Digital Twin for Life (or FreeFlow) ???


  • Is this realistic at this point, do we have a team to pull this off?

TODO need more info


  • this could easily be easiest way how to get the TFT to fly, each twin for life costs +-1000 TFT

Necessary Requirements

  • website where people can understand
    • why web4.0 is needed and relevant
    • how does the twin work and how different compared to client server
    • partners who will build on us
    • team
    • demos
    • explain the FFFL or Twin For Life program