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- [Introduction](kristof/kristof.md)
- [eBook Sustainable Life](kristof/sustainable_world.md)
- [Projects Personal](kristof/projects_personal.md)
- [Funding Round](kristof/funding.md)
- [Projects Tech](kristof/projects_tech.md)
- [OurWorld Venture Creator](kristof/owh.md)
- [Digital FreeZone](partners_utilization/freezone.md)
- [Tanzania](partners_utilization/tanzania.md)
- [TF9](kristof/tf9.md)
- [ThreeFold](kristof/threefold.md)
- [Personal Writings](kristof/writings.md)
- [Interesting info](kristof/info.md)
- [Values](values/planet_people_first.md)
- [Passion](kristof/passion.md)
- [CoCreation](kristof/cocreation.md)
- [Research](kristof/research.md)
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A topic I am passionate and have been thinking about for + 20 years (-:
see [https://threefold.info/cocreation](https://threefold.info/cocreation)
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**Dear Friend,**
We are fundraising for our venture creator, **OurWorld**, and we greatly appreciate any help.
> The fundraise has the upside potential of a high-tech startup and the downside protection of a later-stage venture builder.
We are aiming to raise **30 million USD**, and the fundraise has a novel structure.
- The investment is structured as a **SAFE** (Simple Agreement for Future Equity).
- The investment remains as a loan until converted.
- The conversion can be made into shares of the mother company or one of our high-profile startups such as **TF9**. It can even be converted to tokens if relevant.
- The investor's risk is low due to the diverse portfolio of startups we own, including **ThreeFold**, the **Digital Freezone**, **TF9**, and more.
**If interested to know more, ask us for more info: kristof@incubaid.com**
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# Kristof
see [Kristof History](https://threefold.docsend.com/view/kipdw3c7fvf2r35s)
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# Info
- [Tier-S datacenter as alternative on Tier-3](https://info.ourworld.tf/datacenter)
- [Antidote for Cyber Pandemic](https://info.ourworld.tf/datacenter)
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Dear friend,
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*Kristof on one of his favorite spots, The Nile in Egypt*
# Kristof: GEK = “Chief Executive Geek“
We dream about a world where everyone can be happy, with respect for each other and the world’s resources. A world where we dare to love ourselves and we don’t have to be scared about our future. A world where we don’t need to be a product and we have learned to collaborate with openness and trust.
We believe we are born as beautiful people, but fear leads us in a direction that might not be the path to happiness. In general, we believe that people want to do good.
Our personal passion is to develop tools which help with:

*If anyone is looking for my [official business profile](https://threefold.docsend.com/view/kipdw3c7fvf2r35s), you can find it here.*
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# Launches
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## OurWorld Venture Creator
Kristof is the founder and CEO of OurWorld Holding in Mauritius.

This venture creator has a novel approach how to use technology to do good.
We believe high tech can do incredible things if used properly.
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border-radius: 8px; will-change: transform;">
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> [more info here](https://threefold.docsend.com/view/s/d84sh3nz94rqgjfj)
We are fundraising In OurWorld as a SAFE investment instrument.
We are very excited about our tech projects
- a global decentralized cloud
- a digital freezone, which can be a real "afe haven" for millions of people
- an education system which has already proven its value
We are working on some super cool additional projects
We are very much focussed on Africa right now, [see this intro document](https://threefold.docsend.com/view/hrtzj4edqx247xkp)
[Kristofs Official Profile](https://threefold.docsend.com/view/kipdw3c7fvf2r35s)
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# Passion
I love my work and I love to code...
I love life and being in energy-rich places.
I love to be with my wife Isabelle, my beautiful daughters, friends and our core community which became true family. It's so cool to build a future together.
I love spending time in Zanzibar and The Nile, to connect to likeminded human souls who want the best for this planet and all people on it.
I love to surf the mysterious waves of life.
Ah yes, I love to be on the ocean, sailing, kiting, ... Sailing is so beautiful, your world becomes super small and all too big at the same time.
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# Project INCA
> NEWS: ThreeFold is launching on Solana, this effort is called Project INCA
On April our Digital Currency called TFT did some very interesting moves, 39m USD was going around within 24h (note we don't deploy any marketmakers).

see [https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/threefold/](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/threefold/)
*Please note not all info on coinmarketcap is right e.g. the circulating supply is I think higher.*
This was very interesting to see and it motivated us to go faster in our expansion from a token perspective
**[see this site for more condidential info about our Launch](https://friends.threefold.info/projectinca/)**, we are looking for more feedback and contributors (same login/passwd as this site).
> The information shared on this page is solely personal, shared between friends. I do not recommend investing in any of our projects based on information as shared on this page.
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# Project Mycelium
We wrote a manifesto recently about why do we need the HERO and the link to AI.
> WHY: [Toward a Collective Conscious Intelligence](https://info.ourworld.tf/hero4d)
The [Following Slides](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1pB1ILqKnLMsjpkYRjIdAWY3mxgO6qJiExavNbAf6DWw/edit#slide=id.g2cfd347b7cd_0_994) present the product vision of our hero on top of the Mycelium Network.
We are gathering feedback and creating a team which will push this narrative into the world.
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## Veda Dahabiyas on the Nile

Over four years ago, we embarked on a journey of organizing cruises along the Nile. Veda Egypt operates four boats, we offer a unique opportunity to explore the energy of the Nile and its temples in an unparalleled manner.
- [nice movie as made by someone who was a guest on the boat](https://vimeo.com/758775394/17bfd1f3ae)
- [See a CNN documentary made couple of years ago.](https://player.vimeo.com/video/371621672)
We have been so lucky and grateful to experience wonderful moments on the Nile.
> more info see [https://www.veda-egypt.com](https://www.veda-egypt.com/)
There is a plan to make the boats co-owned by means of digital shares (digital assets) which would regulated in our digital freezone. This way many more projects can call these boats their own home and invite their own guests.
<div style="padding:56.25% 0 0 0;position:relative;"><iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/758775394?h=17bfd1f3ae&title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&badge=0&autopause=0&player_id=0&app_id=58479" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture; clipboard-write" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;" title="Threefold_Freefow_Nile_May_2022"></iframe></div><script src="https://player.vimeo.com/api/player.js"></script>
## Mbweni Ruins

We are honored that we were given an incredible location in Zanzibar, this location is so unique and we are looking forward to make this a co-owned space, our dream is that thousands of people can own this gift from "Eden"
The space is unique because of
- botanical guarden created in 18e century by [Sir John Kirk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Kirk_(explorer)#:~:text=Sir%20John%20Kirk%20GCMG%2C%20KCB,his%20political%20assistant%2C%20Ali%20bin) and David Livingstone
- historical ruins which was a school and missionary to end slavery in Zanzibar
- biggest mangrove Forest in Zanzibar which needs protection
- an incredibly beautiful beach still close to Stonetown
- the new HQ for OurWorld Zanzibar to build the digital freezone and a new Internet
Come and visit us to build a new future.
> see [https://www.mbweniruinsandgardens.com](https://www.mbweniruinsandgardens.com)
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## Technology Projects
Started from our venture creator:
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# Research
## live streaming of metaverse engine
<div style="padding:56.6% 0 0 0;position:relative;"><iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/888463280?h=1cd23bf165&badge=0&autopause=0&player_id=0&app_id=58479" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture; clipboard-write" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;" title="pixelstreaming"></iframe></div><script src="https://player.vimeo.com/api/player.js"></script>
we wanted to show how its possible to achieve incredible quality for streaming of a Virtual Reality environment, the video above does not show a movie, its a real time rendered environment, it shows the potential of doing VR rendering in the cloud.
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[more info](https://bsahely.com/2020/02/29/towards-a-sustainable-world-bernard-lietaer-delta-institute-dieter-legat)
We had the honor to co-author this book which we are very proud off.
We honestly believe that the teachings of Bernard are a fundamental tool towards a better world.
Its a small book with a lot of content, if you want to have a copy let us know.
We are working on a project which will probably be called "project mycelium" which is all about delivering a digital backbone (built on top of ThreeFold tech) in line with the paradigm shifts as described in this book.
[Download the PDF](towards_a_sustainable_world.pdf)
or [this link](https://bsahely.com/2020/02/29/towards-a-sustainable-world-bernard-lietaer-delta-institute-dieter-legat/)
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## TF9 our Belgium Tech company

Kristof is the founder and CEO of TF9 In Belgium.
TF9 owns the IP (Intellectual Preperty) as has been used to create the ThreeFold Opensource Project.
TF9 works with governments and large organizations to deliver 2 main usecases
1. [Antidote to the Cyber Pandemic](https://info.ourworld.tf/cyberpandemic)
2. [Tier S datacenter](https://info.ourworld.tf/datacenter) as a better way how deploy lots of AI, Internet & Cloud capacity fast.
> [See TF9 Website: https://tf9.io](https://tf9.io/)
TF9 is 100% owned by our venture creator: OurWorld
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## ThreeFold Decentralized Cloud

Founded by Internet 1.0 Pioneers
About a decade ago, a group of passionate Internet & cloud veterans came together to build a system which can grow to a scalable, safe, compatible, and co-owned IT infrastructure.
> [see ThreeFold Website](https://threefold.io/)
Threefold is 100% owned by our venture creator: OurWorld
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# Personal writings
- [On Your Way to Collective Consciousness](https://medium.com/@despiegk/on-your-way-to-collective-consciousness-5ab7f141bc8b)
- [Are we all psychopaths?](https://medium.com/@despiegk/a-tough-week-6d25754801f5)
- [A trillion every 100 days](https://medium.com/@despiegk/a-trillion-every-100-days-abadd65c18a5)
- [Once upon a time, only 30 years ago an experiment started called “The Internet”.](https://medium.com/@despiegk/once-upon-a-time-only-30-years-ago-an-experiment-started-called-the-internet-5251e0da6a76)
- [Money is no Longer Money](https://medium.com/@despiegk/money-is-no-longer-money-ef642453404e)
- [Our Digital Sovereignty is the ultimate battle ground.](https://medium.com/@despiegk/our-digital-sovereignty-is-the-battle-ground-on-which-the-war-vs-evil-can-be-won-or-lost-20f5e3e067
- [A NEW FINANCIAL SYSTEM FOR “OUR WORLD”](https://medium.com/@despiegk/a-new-financial-system-for-our-world-602605d1f6d7)
- [Network Societies](https://medium.com/@despiegk/digital-network-societies-1b308b9a8c7e)
> if you like any of my writings please clap 50 times for it on medium.
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<h1> OurWorld Venture Creator </h1>

<h2> Table of Contents </h2>
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [OurWorld Vision](#ourworld-vision)
- [Our Modern Crisis](#our-modern-crisis)
- [Guiding Principles for Change](#guiding-principles-for-change)
- [Tools](#tools)
## Introduction
OurWorld is a venture creator based in Mauritius. The goal of OurWorld is to empower our startups to manifest the required solutions aligned with our vision.
These startups have access to ThreeFold Technology as well as the full Mycelium ecosystem, a decentralized technology platform designed to enable conscious peer-to-peer collaboration. Mycelium provides the infrastructure for startups in the OurWorld ecosystem to develop transformative solutions, from finance to education.
By combining funding, an ethical framework, and decentralized technologies, OurWorld aims to seed startups poised to make a positive societal impact. The versatile Mycelium platform allows this worldwide network of startups to exchange value and collectively upgrade how we cooperate.
## OurWorld Vision
OurWorld has a vision that is inspired by guiding principles and possesses the tools necessary to fix many issues of our current modern crisis.
### Our Modern Crisis
* Centralized AI and data platforms lack transparency and accountability.
This raises concerns about manipulating users or limiting their agency.
* Erosion of privacy and bodily autonomy through invasive surveillance and social credit systems. This endangers freedom of choice and expression.
* Environmental degradation that threatens sustainability of natural systems humanity depends on.
* Proliferation of misinformation that polarizes society. This impedes reasoned discourse and collective problem-solving.
These interconnected crises endanger the future – yet also present an opportunity for transformation. Business as usual will not suffice. Fundamental upgrades are needed across society.
### Guiding Principles for Change
The guiding principles for change of OurWorld always put the planet and people first.
* **Consciousness** - Cultivate self-awareness, ethics and wisdom within each person.
* **Compassion** - Practice understanding, service and sharing. Choose collaboration over division.
* **Sustainability** - Incentivize regeneration. Safeguard ecosystems for future generations.
* **Autonomy** - Honor rights to self-determination and sovereignty. Prevent authoritarian overreach.
* **Meritocracy** - Structure governance to draw on diverse expertise while limiting corrupt influence.
* **Abundance** - Innovate systems that create shared prosperity through new economic models.
### Tools
* **Decentralization** Develop decentralized peer-to-peer networks for data, finance, communications, etc. This distributes power more equitably without centralized intermediaries.
* **Promote Education** that fosters critical thinking, self-awareness, and ethical values. This empowers individuals to make wise choices despite manipulative messaging.
* **Connect people** across divides to find common ground. This fosters societal cohesion and collective wisdom to address shared challenges.
* **Design economic models** that incentivize regeneration, compassion and creativity over self-interest. This creates abundance and reduces inequality.
* Champion **open collaboration** on solutions that benefit all of humanity and the planet. This unites us in shared purpose (opensource)
* **Support** individual and community rights to self-determination and bodily **sovereignty**. This prevents authoritarian overreach and protects freedoms.
Everyone has a role to play in this transformation. We must lift up humanity by elevating consciousness, enacting wise governance, developing ethical technologies, and coming together in good faith. The answers exist if we dare to dream widely and act boldly.
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## Vindo
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## OurDigital Self Actor Driven Approach

We use an 'actor' driven pattern instead of a model first pattern.
In such a pattern, the root model only holds essentials in its database, hence any necessary changes can be applied at the root.
The model can tap direct into knowledge (how to do certain things) by accessing the 'recipes'. 'Recipes' are the source code that can easily be adapted to any task. By using Domain Specific Language (DSL) it is easy to reuse recipes.
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# ThreeFold grid inspired by nature

- Just like we have trillions of cells in our body, so can billions of twins live next to each other
- Each twin has memory, knows how to communicate, has knowledge, history, ...
- Twins like cells cannot live without a body = TFGrid.
## This approach scales for ever

- There can be unlimited amounts 3Nodes and 3Bots (Digital Twins)
- There are no bottlenecks nor centralization points
- Our peer2peer network technology takes care of routing and security issues between the Twins and the TFNodes. The shortest paths is always looked for.
## ThreeFold is compatible with the current IT world.
While we push for a new possible, in the meantime our TFGrid infrastructure is compatible with the existing IT and internet ecosystem.

- any workload which can run inside linux can run on top of our TFGrid
- any web developer can create apps (experiences) on top of the Digital Twin
- just like kwatth is used as a measurement of capacity for solar panels we have [CU](tfgrid:cloudunits), [SU](tfgrid:cloudunits) and [NU](tfgrid:cloudunits), which are called cloudunits.
- TFT is required to buy CU,SU,NU
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# Internet r(E)volution
### Classic Internet

Everything is structured as client-server model

- The servers run as applications inside huge datacenters using a lot of energy
- Most of the processes in those servers are being repeated = highly inefficient
- We exist 100x times, very inefficient
- This leads to a lot of centralization -> insecure, as well as abuse of our data
- This has also been called Web 1.0 and Web 2.0
### Blockchain Based Web 3.0 Vision
Blockchain decentralized the server, but in principle it remains a client - server model

- It is definitely a step in the right direction but the paradigm is the same
- We as users still exist in different systems, and have to deal with different applications (protocols)
- These blockchains can be integrated, and through Web 2.0 concepts the web application can interact with multiple blockchains at the same time
- This has also been called Web 3.0

The browser has now become our operating system running on javascript. All applications run in our browser and interact with multiple blockchains.
### Evolution To Peer2Peer Web 4
In the Web 4.0 vision, the user has been put in the center.

- you in the center of your digital life (hero)
- blockchain only needed for functions like money, identity, smart contracts, ...
- internet 10x more efficient
- data can never get lost
- data sovereignity (you own your data)
- an internet created by all for all = **be the internet**
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## The ThreeFold Grid Provides the IT energy

Each TFNode is an IT Power generator. The TFGrid is the network of these TFNodes.

Needs to be super simple, just like a solar panel generates electricity.

- The 3nodes do for internet what solar panels do for large scale electricity power plants.
- They allow everyone to contribute to a new internet.
- People investing in the 3nodes are called [farmers](farming_home).
- Each farmer receives tokens called TFT for providing this IT capacity.
- IT Capacity is storage, compute and network capacity for this upgraded internet.
- The Twins need TFT to pay for the IT capacity they need.
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# What Is
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# Web 4.0 Digital Twin
The ThreeFold web4 Digital Twin architecture puts the user in the center of its digital life, for that every user owns a digital twin running on the ThreeFold grid.

Every user uses any browser to access their digital twin.
### The twin has many capabilities:
The twin has basic capabilities which are strongly version controlled, but contributions from the global community are more than welcome.

### Experiences
Developers create Experiences using the twin capabilities, not apps.
Experiences re-use the same capabilities.
This has huge benefits
- a lot less development effort needed per experience
- more sustainable (less energy loss)
- easier for user, no duplication
- more simplicy
- more powerful
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## Integration to Web 2
Each Digital Twin can talk to the classic internet and web 2 interfaces.

Each Twin knows how to talk legacy protocols like SMTP, POP3, DNS, ... (in development) to allow seamless integration.
In case more compute is required for a specific usecase like gaming, AI, data processing the twin can spin up compute & storage requirements on the TFGrid and as such become way more powerful for the time required.
This leads to huge flexibility and efficiency.
Any application can be developed on top and is compatible with existing development world.
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## Integration with blockchain (web 3)
The twin integrates with web 3 or blockchain for the following functions:
- money
- smart contract between people
- consensus between lots of people around info
- proof of authority, authentication, ...
- reputation system

Each twin can talk to any required blockchain in a way that is 100% transparent for the user.
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# Web 4 Intro
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Web 4 is a new concept which is the combination of Web 3 (blockchain) and digital twin technology.
Its a concept with many advantages like
- less power usage
- more scalability
- more flexibility
- faster development
- more security
### Architecture Intro

**Specific for storage, there are some cool features:**
Each twin has its own storage system where data cannot be lost or corrupted. Each twin decides for itself where the data will be stored.
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# Modern Digital Backbone Architecture
{{#include web4_intro_.md}}
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## Web 4 unique storage architecture

Each Digital Twin can now store data which can never be lost or corrupted.
- This is not based on replication or blockchain!
- Data is distributed over multiple 3nodes in such a way that not even a quantum computer can hack it.
- The data is 100% owned by the owner and zero-knowledge proof to the the TFGrid.
- This concept scales unlimited.
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# Errors
## page_double
Can't add /Users/sashaastiadi/code/git.ourworld.tf/tfgrid/info_tfgrid/collections/web4/architecture_highlevel/web4_intro_.md: a page named web4_intro already exists in the collection
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## Executor TERRAFORM
> Terraform is a mechanism on how to deploy IT workloads in a reproducible and safe way.

A terraform script has multiple parts and can get deployed by an executor.

See the ThreeFold Technology book to learn more about how to use smarts contracts for IT and deploy any workload.
### Consensus Owned & Deployed Solutions

<!-- ### Example with Pokt.Network
> Coming H1 2023
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# Executor VLANG

VLang is an exciting language sponsored by ThreeFold. VLang has 27000 github stars and we believe its a very good language to build executor functions with.
Why did we choose vlang as a first language to support on the TF Executors?
- Its a very fast language (minimal energy & cpu footprint)
- Its easy to learn
- It compiles very fast

### Utilization
- As smart contract language inside chosen blockchain
- As provisioning layer for TFGrid
- As serverless function layer for Executors (super exciting)
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## From Client Server to Peer2Peer

Peer2peer is the most decentralized way to experience our digital life.
- all executors talk to each other over private secure links
- there is no blockchain involved for the compute, storage & network requirements.
- each executor needs compute, network and storage resources this is managed by L0 Validators.
- The executor (web4 or twin) is the only entity who has control over the resource it requires, its all 100% private and fully peer2peer.
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- distributed storage location service
- we add: reliability, locality, cost effectiveness, …
- Smart contract for IT
- Bridge web protocols to internal compute workloads
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