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Engineering Circle - Meeting 2024-10-03
Table of Contents
- Lee
- Thabet
- Scott
- Sabrina
- Mik
TODO - This Meeting
- Go over TFGrid 3.15 issues
- https://git.ourworld.tf/tfgrid/-/projects/99
- See if anything is blocking
- qsfs
- do we pust macvlan issue from 3.15 to 3.16?
- Consensus: no we keep for 3.16, devs have too much work
- do we pust macvlan issue from 3.15 to 3.16?
Main Content
- qsfs
- testing with ipv6
- some issues on the way
- when mycelium/zdb is fixed we can update this part
- mycelium GUI
- Lee is working on this
- S3/garage
- open-source
- Bert will be working on this soon
- DNS system
- kristof working on this
- ThreeFold Domains
- clean all websites
- web presence project to fix issues/report issues
- web tracker
- issues
- have github + git.ourworld.tf
- a lot to track, see discuss next meeting below
- have github + git.ourworld.tf
- issues
- KYC contract is there
- can move quickly now
- Sam will help out
TODO - Next Meeting
- Jan checks if allowed-list issue is possible
- reference: tfgrid/circle_engineering#98
- Then create post to introduce to community
- then create GEP
- then implement it
- Discuss how we work with
- tracking issues
- github
- git.ourworld.tf
- notes: how to make sure Ops/Devs don't work double on creating issues
- tracking issues