is ok to move to 3.15, we need better specs indeed, story needs update
what is status, see also story tfconnect can we see email addr, telnr, ... how can we verify user was kyc'ed
need new story for this, more clear, what do we want to do, do we have input from community, do they agree
what is status, I really think we need this still in 3.14, should only be docu
what is status, what is deliverable for 3.14 would be nice to have KYC possibilities again, which we can rely upon from elsewhere e.g. we sign centrally and we can consult it in other apps to see…
dont understand this, what is required, what is story, what do we try to achieve now it feels huge, was on 3.14 so won\t be done
this doesn't look like a story, if an issue should be in working repo, if story needs to be expanded
we will implement this, actually we are working on it for our own purposes, it will be using hero