Block a user
workflow to build and push all of the images to the hub
All of our flists are built manually, the aim is to have them automated with just one-click of a button to rebuild and publish all of them at once
network benchmarks
I believe the test should be maybe downloading a known file on zos node e.g the kernel.efi file or from a known link e.g ubuntu iso
support following VM's
According to ops updates all but nixos + holochain are updated. created a new ticket for that tfgrid/circle_engineering#70
nixos and holochain images
Outreach strategy for communities and projects re: testing on the grid
we can look to host vlang website and some of their services on the grid?
there's also programming languages driven by communities like ziglang, odin, serenityos, gleam, pony, crystal, nim and…
integrate mycelium in pulumi, provide examples and upgrade go version
integrate mycelium in pulumi, provide examples and upgrade go version
tfchain maintenance upgrades
farmerbot: define priority for nodes to be powered on
gridproxy: more filters needed/indexers
gridproxy: more filters needed
farmerbot: define priority for nodes to be powered on
stronger health check for all ZOS Nodes
until things are cleared up we are still proceeding with the obvious ones
workflow to build and push all of the images to the hub