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            <p>Project Mycelium launches on the 24-12-12. Stay tuned!</p>

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    <div class="content-container">
        <div class="scroll-content">
            <!-- Section 1 -->
            <div class="text-section align-center">
                <div class="section-content">
                    <h1>Project Mycelium</h1>
                    <p class="large-text">The journey together to build Web4: <br>own your data, own your digital life</p>
            <!-- Section 2 with Image on right -->
            <div class="text-section">
                <div class="section-content align-left width-narrow">
                    <p>For decades now, our team has been laying the groundwork for Web4, the next generation of the Internet.</p>
                <div class="section-content align-right">
                    <img src="./img/autonomous.png" alt="Description of Image 1" class="responsive-image">
            <!-- Section 3 with Image on left -->
            <div class="text-section">
                <div class="section-content align-left">
                    <img src="./img/home_nodes.png" alt="Description of Image 2" class="responsive-image">
                <div class="section-content align-right width-narrow">
                    <p>With Project Mycelium, we bring for the first time data, network and cloud in a single ecosystem.</p>

            <div class="text-section">
                <div class="section-content align-center">
                    <p class="large-text">We've built a peer-to-peer and end-to-end encrypted network, the Mycelium Network.</p>

            <div class="text-section">
                <div class="section-content align-left">
                    <img src="./img/home_nodes.png" alt="Description of Image 2" class="responsive-image">
                <div class="section-content align-right">
                    <p>The network is a mesh of phones, routers and nodes connected over the Internet.</p>

            <div class="text-section">
                <div class="section-content align-left">
                    <p>Data is never corrupted nor lost, and you can work with and without Internet connection.</p>
                <div class="section-content align-right">
                    <img src="./img/home_nodes.png" alt="Description of Image 2" class="responsive-image">


            <div class="text-section">
                <div class="section-content align-center">
                    <p class="large-text">But not only this, the Mycelium Network can function on top of the current Internet and in parallel.</p>

            <div class="text-section">
                <div class="section-content align-left">
                    <p>You can own your data, and you can own your digital life. <br>For real.</p>
                <div class="section-content align-right">
                    <img src="./img/home_nodes.png" alt="Description of Image 2" class="responsive-image">

            <div class="text-section">
                <div class="section-content align-left">
                    <img src="./img/home_nodes.png" alt="Description of Image 2" class="responsive-image">
                <div class="section-content align-right">
                    <p>Our system is built-in with your own personal Hero AI assistant.</p>

            <div class="text-section align-center">
                <div class="section-content">
                    <h1>Web4: Allowing Everyone Everywhere</h1>
                    <p class="large-text">Web4 is all about the endless possibilities <br>a true peer-to-peer Internet can bring to life.</p>
            <!-- Section 2 with Image on right -->
            <div class="text-section">
                <div class="section-content align-left width-narrow">
                    <p>With the Hero AI assistant, you can take control of your digital life.</p>
                <div class="section-content align-right">
                    <img src="./img/autonomous.png" alt="Description of Image 1" class="responsive-image">

            <!-- Section 2 with Image on right -->
            <div class="text-section">
                <div class="section-content align-left">
                    <img src="./img/autonomous.png" alt="Description of Image 1" class="responsive-image">
                <div class="section-content align-right width-narrow">
                    <p>The Web4 we envision allows everyone everywhere to have total sovereignty, privace, security, reliablity and decentralization.</p>
            <!-- Section 3 with Image on left -->
            <div class="text-section">
                <div class="section-content align-left width-narrow">
                    <p>You can communicate, share information, participate in private online meetings, publish content, develops apps, and much more.</p>
                <div class="section-content align-right">
                    <img src="./img/home_nodes.png" alt="Description of Image 2" class="responsive-image">

            <div class="text-section">
                <div class="section-content align-center">
                    <p class="large-text">There are many ways to contribute to the network. We're as strong as our community.</p>

            <div class="text-section">
                <div class="link-container">
                    <div class="link-box">
                        <a href="https://docs.projectmycelium.io">Nodes</a>
                    <div class="link-box">
                        <a href="https://docs.projectmycelium.io">Phones</a>
                    <div class="link-box">
                        <a href="https://docs.projectmycelium.io">Routers</a>
                    <div class="link-box">
                        <a href="https://docs.projectmycelium.io">$INCA</a>

            <div class="text-section align-center">
                <div class="section-content">
                    <h1>Join the Launch</h1>
                    <p class="large-text">Project Mycelium is launching soon: 24-12-12</p>


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