ThreeFold V4 Website

Table of Contents

- [Introduction](#introduction) - [Install the Website](#install-the-website) - [Start the Website](#start-the-website) - [With Hero Docker (Optional)](#with-hero-docker-optional) --- ## Introduction We present the new version of the ThreeFold website for V4. This website has a minimalistic aesthetics. ## Install the Website Run the following lines to install the website: ```bash hero git clone -u ~/code/ ``` ## Start the Website Run the following line to start the website: ```bash ~/code/ ``` ## With Hero Docker (Optional) You can use Hero Docker instead of a local installation. Simply run this before doing the installation and start steps. ``` docker pull logismosis/hero:latest docker run -it --net=host --name=hero-container -v ~/code:/root/code logismosis/hero:latest ```