updated about page #6

mik-tf merged 1 commits from development_update into development 2024-06-04 15:34:18 +00:00
2 changed files with 148 additions and 117 deletions

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ You can preview the website with a few lines.
git clone https://git.ourworld.tf/tfgrid/www_projectinca
cd inca_docs
cd www_projectinca
npm install
npm run dev

View File

@ -5,9 +5,11 @@ import Hero from '~/components/widgets/Hero.astro';
import Stats from '~/components/widgets/Stats.astro';
import Steps2 from '~/components/widgets/Steps2.astro';
import Layout from '~/layouts/PageLayout.astro';
import Steps from '~/components/widgets/Steps.astro';
import Content from '~/components/widgets/Content.astro';
const metadata = {
title: 'About us',
title: 'About',
@ -15,164 +17,211 @@ const metadata = {
<!-- Hero Widget ******************* -->
tagline="About us"
tagline="About Us"
src: 'https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1559136555-9303baea8ebd?ixlib=rb-4.0.3&ixid=M3wxMjA3fDB8MHxwaG90by1wYWdlfHx8fGVufDB8fHx8fA%3D%3D&auto=format&fit=crop&w=2070&q=80',
alt: 'Caos Image',
<Fragment slot="title">
Elevate your online presence with our <br />
<span class="text-accent dark:text-white highlight"> Beautiful Website Templates</span>
Project INCA is the culmulation <br>of years of work by
<span class="text-accent dark:text-white highlight"> ThreeFold</span>
<Fragment slot="subtitle">
Donec efficitur, ipsum quis congue luctus, mauris magna convallis mauris, eu auctor nisi lectus non augue. Donec
quis lorem non massa vulputate efficitur ac at turpis. Sed tincidunt ex a nunc convallis, et lobortis nisi tempus.
Suspendisse vitae nisi eget tortor luctus maximus sed non lectus.
Project INCA is the fourth generation of the ThreeFold Grid. Our technology is rock solid and has been running in production mode for years now on the main network. The grid is composed of thousands of nodes distributed in more than 60 countries and we've been working with dozens of partners building a new peer-to-peer Internet for everyone.
<!-- Stats Widget ****************** -->
title="Statistics about us"
title="A Large-Scale Project"
{ title: 'Offices', amount: '4' },
{ title: 'Employees', amount: '248' },
{ title: 'Templates', amount: '12' },
{ title: 'Awards', amount: '24' },
{ title: 'Offices', amount: '5' },
{ title: 'Employees', amount: '+80' },
{ title: 'Grid Generation', amount: '4th' },
{ title: 'Partners', amount: '+20' },
<!-- Features3 Widget ************** -->
<!-- Steps Widget ****************** -->
title="Our templates"
subtitle="Etiam scelerisque, enim eget vestibulum luctus, nibh mauris blandit nulla, nec vestibulum risus justo ut enim. Praesent lacinia diam et ante imperdiet euismod."
title="Our Values"
title: 'Educational',
'Morbi faucibus luctus quam, sit amet aliquet felis tempor id. Cras augue massa, ornare quis dignissim a, molestie vel nulla.',
icon: 'tabler:template',
'Digital Sovereignty ',
description: `We believe in the autonomy of cyberspace. The internet should be free from external control and interference, allowing users to govern their own digital spaces.`,
icon: 'tabler:check',
title: 'Interior Design',
'Vivamus porttitor, tortor convallis aliquam pretium, turpis enim consectetur elit, vitae egestas purus erat ac nunc nulla.',
icon: 'tabler:template',
'Universal Access ',
description: `Access to the internet is a fundamental right. We strive to ensure that everyone, regardless of location or socioeconomic status, can connect to the digital world.`,
icon: 'tabler:check',
title: 'Photography',
'Duis sed lectus in nisl vehicula porttitor eget quis odio. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla eleifend nulla id sem fermentum.',
icon: 'tabler:template',
'Privacy and Security',
description: `Every user has the right to privacy and security online. We are committed to protecting personal data and ensuring safe digital interactions.`,
icon: 'tabler:check',
'Open Innovation',
description: `The internet should be a platform for innovation and creativity. We support open-source projects and collaborative efforts that drive technological advancement.`,
icon: 'tabler:check',
'Free Expression',
description: `Freedom of speech is essential in cyberspace. We defend the right to express ideas and opinions without fear of censorship or retribution.`,
icon: 'tabler:check',
'Decentralization ',
description: `Power should not be concentrated in the hands of a few. We advocate for decentralized networks and systems that distribute control and foster resilience`,
icon: 'tabler:check',
'Transparency ',
description: `Transparency builds trust. We promote open governance and clear communication about how digital platforms operate and make decisions.`,
icon: 'tabler:check',
'Community Governance',
description: `The internet community should have a say in how cyberspace is managed. We encourage participatory decision-making processes that reflect the diverse voices of users.`,
icon: 'tabler:check',
'Digital Literacy',
description: `Empowering users with knowledge is crucial. We support education and resources that help people navigate and utilize the internet effectively and responsibly.`,
icon: 'tabler:check',
'Sustainable Development',
description: `The growth of the internet should be sustainable. We are committed to practices that minimize environmental impact and promote long-term digital health.`,
icon: 'tabler:check',
classes={{ container: 'max-w-3xl' }}
<!-- Features3 Widget ************** -->
<!-- Content Widget **************** -->
title: 'E-commerce',
'Rutrum non odio at vehicula. Proin ipsum justo, dignissim in vehicula sit amet, dignissim id quam. Sed ac tincidunt sapien.',
icon: 'tabler:template',
icon: 'tabler:check',
description: 'Empowering',
title: 'Blog',
'Nullam efficitur volutpat sem sed fringilla. Suspendisse et enim eu orci volutpat laoreet ac vitae libero.',
icon: 'tabler:template',
icon: 'tabler:check',
description: 'Resilient',
title: 'Business',
'Morbi et elit finibus, facilisis justo ut, pharetra ipsum. Donec efficitur, ipsum quis congue luctus, mauris magna.',
icon: 'tabler:template',
title: 'Branding',
'Suspendisse vitae nisi eget tortor luctus maximus sed non lectus. Cras malesuada pretium placerat. Nullam venenatis dolor a ante rhoncus.',
icon: 'tabler:template',
title: 'Medical',
'Vestibulum malesuada lacus id nibh posuere feugiat. Nam volutpat nulla a felis ultrices, id suscipit mauris congue. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.',
icon: 'tabler:template',
title: 'Fashion Design',
'Maecenas eu tellus eget est scelerisque lacinia et a diam. Aliquam velit lorem, vehicula id fermentum et, rhoncus et purus.',
icon: 'tabler:template',
icon: 'tabler:check',
description: 'Innovative',
src: 'https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1504384308090-c894fdcc538d?ixlib=rb-4.0.3&ixid=M3wxMjA3fDB8MHxwaG90by1wYWdlfHx8fGVufDB8fHx8fA%3D%3D&auto=format&fit=crop&w=1740&q=80',
src: '~/assets/images/partners.png',
alt: 'Colorful Image',
loading: 'eager',
<Fragment slot="content">
<h2 class="text-2xl font-bold tracking-tight dark:text-white sm:text-3xl mb-2">Mission Statement</h2>
We promote the growth of a decentralized cloud network. Our mission is to empower individuals and organisations with secure, private, and autonomous access to computing resources. <br><br>A unique combination of technologies provides a resilient and censorship-resistant infrastructure that ensures data integrity, privacy, and seamless hosting of data and applications. We are committed to fostering innovation, enhancing digital sovereignty, and creating a more equitable internet for all.
<!-- Steps2 Widget ****************** -->
<Fragment slot="bg">
<div class="absolute inset-0 bg-blue-50 dark:bg-transparent"></div>
title="Our values"
subtitle="Maecenas eu tellus eget est scelerisque lacinia et a diam. Aliquam velit lorem, vehicula id fermentum et, rhoncus et purus. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum malesuada lacus."
<!-- Content Widget **************** -->
title: 'Customer-centric approach',
'Donec id nibh neque. Quisque et fermentum tortor. Fusce vitae dolor a mauris dignissim commodo. Ut eleifend luctus condimentum.',
icon: 'tabler:check',
description: 'Sovereignty',
title: 'Constant Improvement',
'Phasellus laoreet fermentum venenatis. Vivamus dapibus pulvinar arcu eget mattis. Fusce eget mauris leo.',
icon: 'tabler:check',
description: 'Security',
title: 'Ethical Practices',
'Vestibulum imperdiet libero et lectus molestie, et maximus augue porta. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.',
icon: 'tabler:check',
description: 'Privacy',
src: '~/assets/images/p2ppromotion.png',
alt: 'Colorful Image',
loading: 'eager',
<Fragment slot="content">
<h2 class="text-2xl font-bold tracking-tight dark:text-white sm:text-3xl mb-2">Vision Statement</h2>
Our vision is to create a truly decentralized internet where every user has control over their data and digital interactions. We envision a global network of interconnected servers and nodes, collectively known as THE GRID, that democratizes access to computing power and storage. This network will be the backbone of a new digital era, characterized by sovereignty, security, privacy and inclusivity.
<br>Through our INCA token, we aim to facilitate a robust and scalable ecosystem that supports the free and open exchange of internet capacity from farmers (the hosts of the GRID) to the builders that are utilizing it.
<Fragment slot="bg">
<div class="absolute inset-0 bg-blue-50 dark:bg-transparent"></div>
<!-- Steps2 Widget ****************** -->
subtitle="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sagittis, quam nec venenatis lobortis, mi risus tempus nulla, sed porttitor est nibh at nulla."
subtitle="Project INCA is the continuation of the ThreeFold Grid. We are now entering our 4th phase and we are ready to expand drastically. Build with us the largest decentralized cloud on the planet."
text: 'See more',
href: '/',
text: 'Explore ThreeFold',
href: 'https://threefold.io',
title: 'Global reach',
description: 'Nam malesuada urna in enim imperdiet tincidunt. Phasellus non tincidunt nisi, at elementum mi.',
title: 'Enterprise-Grade Cloud',
description: 'We\'ve been offering enterprise-grade cloud solutions for years now.',
icon: 'tabler:globe',
title: 'Positive customer feedback and reviews',
title: 'Stellar Support Team',
'Cras semper nulla leo, eget laoreet erat cursus sed. Praesent faucibus massa in purus iaculis dictum.',
'Our support team is reknown to be reliable and effective to solve users\' issues.',
icon: 'tabler:message-star',
title: 'Awards and recognition as industry experts',
title: 'Strong Partnerships',
'Phasellus lacinia cursus velit, eu malesuada magna pretium eu. Etiam aliquet tellus purus, blandit lobortis ex rhoncus vitae.',
'We are proud of the partnerships we\'ve established throughout our history.',
icon: 'tabler:award',
@ -181,49 +230,31 @@ const metadata = {
<!-- Features2 Widget ************** -->
title="Our locations"
title="Our Offices"
tagline="Find us"
title: 'EE.UU',
title: 'Belgium',
description: '1234 Lorem Ipsum St, 12345, Miami',
title: 'Spain',
title: 'Egypt',
description: '5678 Lorem Ipsum St, 56789, Madrid',
title: 'Australia',
title: 'Mauritius',
description: '9012 Lorem Ipsum St, 90123, Sydney',
title: 'Brazil',
title: 'United Arab Emirates',
description: '3456 Lorem Ipsum St, 34567, São Paulo',
title: 'India',
description: '3456 Lorem Ipsum St, 34567, São Paulo',
<!-- Features2 Widget ************** -->
title="Technical Support"
tagline="Contact us"
title: 'Chat with us',
'Integer luctus laoreet libero, auctor varius purus rutrum sit amet. Ut nec molestie nisi, quis eleifend mi.',
icon: 'tabler:messages',
title: 'Call us',
'Mauris faucibus finibus orci, in posuere elit viverra non. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras lobortis metus a hendrerit congue.',
icon: 'tabler:headset',