Farming staking vault and farming collateral #3

opened 2024-05-22 13:38:09 +00:00 by mik-tf · 6 comments


  1. The equivalent of X months (TBD, propositions so far: between 2 and 6 months) of farming per node is kept as collateral in a farmed TFT staking vault.
    2. Any TFT more than X-month worth of farming per node is available to unstake given a 5 days cooldown period
    3. TFT in farmed TFT staking vault with the min X-months of farming collateral are eligible to vote for the DAO
    4. TFT farmed in TFT staking vault have 1.2 DAO voting power per TFT
    5. A farmer can unstake all TFT (with the 2-month collateral) given a cooldown period of 10 days.
    1. Once they removed all collateral
      1. They do not farm any more POC rewards. They can still farm POU rewards.
      2. They cannot vote on the DAO, i.e. TFT is removed from the farming TFT staking vault.
    2. If a farmer unstake TFT in a farmed TFT staking vault, the only way to stake it is to put the TFT in a public TFT vault (see below)
      1. This means that farmed TFT staking vault contains TFT that has been minted and then used for TF DAO process only!


Part of the community brainstorm to improve the 3.0 decentralized grid.


Moved. Previously here: tfgrid/circle_engineering#41

# Proposition 1. The equivalent of X months (TBD, propositions so far: between 2 and 6 months) of farming per node is kept as collateral in a farmed TFT staking vault. 2. Any TFT more than X-month worth of farming per node is available to unstake given a 5 days cooldown period 3. TFT in farmed TFT staking vault with the min X-months of farming collateral are eligible to vote for the DAO 4. TFT farmed in TFT staking vault have 1.2 DAO voting power per TFT 5. A farmer can unstake all TFT (with the 2-month collateral) given a cooldown period of 10 days. 1. Once they removed all collateral 1. They do not farm any more POC rewards. They can still farm POU rewards. 2. They cannot vote on the DAO, i.e. TFT is removed from the farming TFT staking vault. 6. If a farmer unstake TFT in a farmed TFT staking vault, the only way to stake it is to put the TFT in a public TFT vault (see below) 1. This means that farmed TFT staking vault contains TFT that has been minted and then used for TF DAO process only! # References Part of the community brainstorm to improve the 3.0 decentralized grid. # Notes Moved. Previously here:

we need more info here

  • please note v4.0 will be utilization based, an rewards will be added as extra
  • once we hit 1 billion TFT, farming as we know it will stop
  • question is, in line to above should we put effort in this or faster push 4.x?
we need more info here - please note v4.0 will be utilization based, an rewards will be added as extra - once we hit 1 billion TFT, farming as we know it will stop - question is, in line to above should we put effort in this or faster push 4.x?
despiegk added this to the tosort milestone 2025-03-13 08:12:50 +00:00
despiegk added the
label 2025-03-13 08:27:12 +00:00

I would say let's just push 4.x

I would say let's just push 4.x
  • V4 was going to be living next to TFT, not replace. If it's going to be replaced over time which I'm now lead to understand, we need to inform farmers now.
  • Faster push V4. The uncertainity withholds farmers to purchase V4 nodes
  • Give clarity of V4 farmers can use and x% of their own nodes capacity. If not, we need to communicate, it will slow down selling V4 nodes though
  • Inform V3 farmers they will receive TFT for x- years to come, and inform them timely on changes in 'TFT minting ending' and/or replacement by INCA
- V4 was going to be living next to TFT, not replace. If it's going to be replaced over time which I'm now lead to understand, we need to inform farmers now. - Faster push V4. The uncertainity withholds farmers to purchase V4 nodes - Give clarity of V4 farmers can use and x% of their own nodes capacity. If not, we need to communicate, it will slow down selling V4 nodes though - Inform V3 farmers they will receive TFT for x- years to come, and inform them timely on changes in 'TFT minting ending' and/or replacement by INCA
  • V4 will be able to replace V3 only when there are say 5000 nodes and more on V4.
  • For the first phase of v4, farmers, nor anyone, can't deploy on the nodes, on TF devs for testing.
    • But after this phase, they should be able to use 100% of their node, they pay 100% of the cost and 100% comes back to them (as we have for AIBox)
- V4 will be able to replace V3 only when there are say 5000 nodes and more on V4. - For the first phase of v4, farmers, nor anyone, can't deploy on the nodes, on TF devs for testing. - But after this phase, they should be able to use 100% of their node, they pay 100% of the cost and 100% comes back to them (as we have for AIBox)
  1. So that means that we will replace them in the end, which is new info. How is this going to happen? Do we need to prepare V3 users to make extra costs at some point in time to ship their nodes back to us and have them converted?
  2. How do does work in relation to the 18 months (is it still 18 months?) of POC that we communicated? Is that the TF test period? And after 18 months there will be 0% usage, although we were lead to believe that 'most likely' TF will still rent some capacity? What's the latest word on this?
1. So that means that we will replace them in the end, which is new info. How is this going to happen? Do we need to prepare V3 users to make extra costs at some point in time to ship their nodes back to us and have them converted? 2. How do does work in relation to the 18 months (is it still 18 months?) of POC that we communicated? Is that the TF test period? And after 18 months there will be 0% usage, although we were lead to believe that 'most likely' TF will still rent some capacity? What's the latest word on this?

We have 18 months of token rewards. We will set staking instead of license fees. First phase, zos v4 alpha 2, only devs can access. Users make proof of capacity rewards. After the first phase, users can deploy on nodes, not just devs, and farmers make proof-of-utilization rewards. They can also run on their own node, they pay 100%, and 100% goes back to their wallet, as we have with AIBox.

You can turn a v3 into v4. Just need to change the farm ID. We could check different ways to proceed. Good question.

We have 18 months of token rewards. We will set staking instead of license fees. First phase, zos v4 alpha 2, only devs can access. Users make proof of capacity rewards. After the first phase, users can deploy on nodes, not just devs, and farmers make proof-of-utilization rewards. They can also run on their own node, they pay 100%, and 100% goes back to their wallet, as we have with AIBox. You can turn a v3 into v4. Just need to change the farm ID. We could check different ways to proceed. Good question.
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Reference: tfgrid/tfgrid_specs_and_feedback#3
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