Story: RnD on Renting or Buying GPUs: At which extent you should buy instead of rent #21

opened 2024-06-17 16:46:36 +00:00 by mik-tf · 0 comments


It could be a good RnD project to develop tables + graphs + data on the price of renting cards online (pay per the hour scheme), vs renting a whole dedicated machine with gpu online, vs buying a node and using it yourself.

Once we have this info, it could be good to share it on specific TF websites for users to understand the use case.

GPU Node Levels of Use

Once we have highly accessible services for pay-per-the hour, we can offer all levels:

  • you rent on tfgrid graphic card for AI workloads
    • per the hour
    • a dedicated machine per month
  • you build a tfgrid node for AI workloads and use it

Note: It's already possible to rent by the hour by not user-friendly or as accessible as other platforms


  • Exploring a little with AI+GPU can be good to rent per hour
  • At some point, if you use it a lot, you better use a dedicated machine with discount
  • If you use extensively the machine for AI works, e.g. online LLM bot with graphics (pictures, videos)+ texts generation, buying the whole hardware (computer with high-end graphics card for heavy use cases)


As discussed with @scott.

# Situation It could be a good RnD project to develop tables + graphs + data on the price of renting cards online (pay per the hour scheme), vs renting a whole dedicated machine with gpu online, vs buying a node and using it yourself. Once we have this info, it could be good to share it on specific TF websites for users to understand the use case. # GPU Node Levels of Use Once we have highly accessible services for pay-per-the hour, we can offer all levels: - you rent on tfgrid graphic card for AI workloads - per the hour - a dedicated machine per month - you build a tfgrid node for AI workloads and use it Note: It's already possible to rent by the hour by not user-friendly or as accessible as other platforms # Hypotheses - Exploring a little with AI+GPU can be good to rent per hour - At some point, if you use it a lot, you better use a dedicated machine with discount - If you use extensively the machine for AI works, e.g. online LLM bot with graphics (pictures, videos)+ texts generation, buying the whole hardware (computer with high-end graphics card for heavy use cases) # References As discussed with @scott.
mik-tf added the
label 2024-06-17 16:46:36 +00:00
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Reference: tfgrid/tfgrid_specs_and_feedback#21
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