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Supported Configurations

Table of Contents


When deploying with TFROBOT, you can set different configurations allowing for personalized deployments.

Config File

Field Description Supported Values
node_group description of all resources needed for each node_group list of structs of type node_group
vms description of resources needed for deploying groups of vms belong to node_group list of structs of type vms
ssh_keys map of ssh keys with key=name and value=the actual ssh key map of string to string
mnemonic mnemonic of the user should be valid mnemonic
network valid network of ThreeFold Grid networks main, test, qa, dev
max_retries times of retries of failed node groups positive integer

Node Group

Field Description Supported Values
name name of node_group node group name should be unique
nodes_count number of nodes in node group nonzero positive integer
free_cpu number of cpu of node nonzero positive integer max = 32
free_mru free memory in the node in GB min = 0.25, max = 256
free_ssd free ssd storage in the node in GB positive integer value
free_hdd free hdd storage in the node in GB positive integer value
dedicated are nodes dedicated true or false
public_ip4 should the nodes have free ip v4 true or false
public_ip6 should the nodes have free ip v6 true or false
certified should the nodes be certified(if false the nodes could be certified or DIY) true or false
region region could be the name of the continents the nodes are located in africa, americas, antarctic, antarctic ocean, asia, europe, oceania, polar

Vms Groups

Field Description Supported Values
name name of vm group string value with no special characters
vms_count number of vms in vm group nonzero positive integer
node_group name of node_group the vm belongs to should be defined in node_groups
cpu number of cpu for vm nonzero positive integer max = 32
mem free memory in the vm in GB min = 0.25, max 256
planetary should the vm have yggdrasil ip true or false
public_ip4 should the vm have free ip v4 true or false
public_ip6 should the vm have free ip v6 true or false
flist should be a link to valid flist valid flist url with .flist or .fl extension
entry_point entry point of the flist path to the entry point in the flist
ssh_key key of ssh key defined in the ssh_keys map should be valid ssh_key defined in the ssh_keys map
env_vars map of env vars map of type string to string
ssd list of disks should be of type disk
root_size root size in GB 0 for default root size, max 10TB


Field Description Supported Values
size disk size in GB positive integer min = 15
mount_point disk mount point path to mountpoint