Contributions Guide

Table of Contents

- [Introduction](#introduction) - [Project structure](#project-structure) - [Internal](#internal) - [Pkg](#pkg) - [Writing tests](#writing-tests) *** ## Introduction We propose a quick guide to learn how to contribute. ## Project structure The main structure of the code base is as follows: - `charts`: helm chart - `cmds`: includes the project Golang entrypoints - `docs`: project documentation - `internal`: contains the explorer API logic and the cert manager implementation, this where most of the feature work will be done - `pkg`: contains client implementation and shared libs - `tests`: integration tests - `tools`: DB tools to prepare the Postgres DB for testing and development - `rootfs`: ZOS root endpoint that will be mounted in the docker image ### Internal - `explorer`: contains the explorer server logic: - `db`: the db connection and operations - `mw`: defines the generic action mount that will be be used as http handler - `certmanager`: logic to ensure certificates are available and up to date `server.go` includes the logic for all the API operations. ### Pkg - `client`: client implementation - `types`: defines all the API objects ## Writing tests Adding a new endpoint should be accompanied with a corresponding test. Ideally every change or bug fix should include a test to ensure the new behavior/fix is working as intended. Since these are integration tests, you need to first make sure that your local db is already seeded with the ncessary data. See tools [doc](./ for more information about how to prepare your db. Testing tools offer two clients that are the basic of most tests: - `local`: this client connects to the local db - `proxy client`: this client connects to the running local instance You need to start an instance of the server before running the tests. Check [here](./ for how to start.