Gateway Name

Table of Contents

- [Introduction](#introduction) - [Deploy](#deploy) - [Required Flags](#required-flags) - [Optional Flags](#optional-flags) - [Get](#get) - [Cancel](#cancel) *** ## Introduction We explain how to use gateway names on the TFGrid using `tfcmd`. ## Deploy ```bash tfcmd deploy gateway name [flags] ``` ### Required Flags - name: name for the gateway deployment also used for canceling the deployment. must be unique. - backends: list of backends the gateway will forward requests to. ### Optional Flags - node: node id gateway should be deployed on. - farm: farm id gateway should be deployed on, if set choose available node from farm that fits vm specs (default 1). note: node and farm flags cannot be set both. -tls: add TLS passthrough option (default false). Example: ```console $ tfcmd deploy gateway name -n gatewaytest --node 14 --backends 3:34PM INF deploying gateway name 3:34PM INF fqdn: ``` ## Get ```bash tfcmd get gateway name ``` gateway is the name used when deploying gateway-name using tfcmd. Example: ```console $ tfcmd get gateway name gatewaytest 1:56PM INF gateway name: { "NodeID": 14, "Name": "gatewaytest", "Backends": [ "" ], "TLSPassthrough": false, "Description": "", "SolutionType": "gatewaytest", "NodeDeploymentID": { "14": 19644 }, "FQDN": "", "NameContractID": 19643, "ContractID": 19644 } ``` ## Cancel ```bash tfcmd cancel ``` deployment-name is the name of the deployment specified in while deploying using tfcmd. Example: ```console $ tfcmd cancel gatewaytest 3:37PM INF canceling contracts for project gatewaytest 3:37PM INF gatewaytest canceled ```