Here is a detailed explanation of how the storage system works based on the context documents: The storage system is designed to be decentralized and operate in a peer-to-peer manner across a network of nodes called 3Nodes. Data is dispersed and split into fragments that are distributed across multiple 3Nodes in a quantum-safe way, so no single node contains all the information to reconstruct the data. This dispersed storage approach provides extreme resilience against data loss or corruption. Even if multiple nodes fail, the data can be rebuilt from the remaining fragments. The system actively monitors for and fixes any data rot that could occur. The storage algorithm manages the distributed fragments and provides interfaces for storage and retrieval. This allows various storage applications to be built on top, like S3 object storage, filesystems, backups etc. A key component is the Zero-Stor storage engine which handles dispersing data across nodes. It requires only 20% overhead to be resilient to 4 simultaneous node failures, far less than the 400% overhead needed by traditional storage systems. The system provides data sovereignty as users have full control over where data is stored. Data remains in the country rather than relying on external centralized providers. It also utilizes end-to-end encryption for secure data transmission. The quantum-safe dispersal makes it impervious to hacking, even by quantum computers.