- 3,000 TFT per deployed node of min 32 GB mem and min 2 TB SSD.
- 1,000 TFT per Mycelium Router (connectivity to the TFGrid)


- We expect the Chapter to organize hackatons how to deploy and manage the nodes
- We expect the Chapter to organize a farming pool to manage the nodes.

For each hackathon organized there is a reward of 20,000 TFT if succefull.

## Goal

- at least 1000 nodes < 1 year of good quality over multiple countries

## requirements

- news on TF / INCA ecosystem
- report on the achievements, connect with community

## Process

- TF DMCC will validate the candidates and start the project
- Project will be followed up by the OurWorld Team in Zanzibar

## The tokens are vested

- TFT are only available per node or hackathon delivered.
- min price to sell 0.1 USD per TFT (unvesting rule)

this makes sure we don't add to the price pressure.