
<h2>Table of Contents</h2>

- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Work on Docs](#work-on-docs)
- [To start the GridProxy server](#to-start-the-gridproxy-server)
- [Run tests](#run-tests)


## Introduction

The Makefile makes it easier to do mostly all the frequently commands needed to work on the project.

## Work on Docs

we are using [swaggo/swag](https://github.com/swaggo/swag) to generate swagger docs based on the annotation inside the code.

- install swag executable binary

go install github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag@latest

- now if you check the binary directory inside go directory you will find the executable file.

ls $(go env GOPATH)/bin

- to run swag you can either use the full path `$(go env GOPATH)/bin/swag` or export go binary to `$PATH`

export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin

- use swag to format code comments.

swag fmt

- update the docs

swag init

- to parse external types from vendor

swag init --parseVendor

- for a full generate docs command

make docs

## To start the GridProxy server

After preparing the postgres database you can `go run` the main file in `cmds/proxy_server/main.go` which responsible for starting all the needed server/clients.

The server options

| Option | Description |
| -address | Server ip address (default `":443"`) |
| -ca | certificate authority used to generate certificate (default `"https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory"`) |
| -cert-cache-dir | path to store generated certs in (default `"/tmp/certs"`) |
| -domain | domain on which the server will be served |
| -email | email address to generate certificate with |
| -log-level | log level  |
| -no-cert | start the server without certificate |
| -postgres-db | postgres database |
| -postgres-host | postgres host |
| -postgres-password | postgres password |
| -postgres-port | postgres port (default 5432) |
| -postgres-user | postgres username |
| -tfchain-url | tF chain url (default `"wss://tfchain.dev.grid.tf/ws"`) |
| -relay-url | RMB relay url (default`"wss://relay.dev.grid.tf"`) |
| -mnemonics | Dummy user mnemonics for relay calls |
| -v | shows the package version |

For a full server setup:

make restart

## Run tests

There is two types of tests in the project

- Unit Tests
  - Found in `pkg/client/*_test.go`
  - Run with `go test -v ./pkg/client`
- Integration Tests
  - Found in `tests/queries/`
  - Run with:

go test -v \
--seed 13 \
--postgres-host <postgres-ip> \
--postgres-db tfgrid-graphql \
--postgres-password postgres \
--postgres-user postgres \
--endpoint <server-ip> \
--mnemonics <insert user mnemonics>

  - Or to run a specific test you can append the previous command with

-run <TestName>

    You can found the TestName in the `tests/queries/*_test.go` files.

To run all the tests use

make test-all