# Cloud Units Cloud units are the basis for buying & selling capacity on the ThreeFold Grid (for more info see here). - 1 CU = 1 compute unit - 1 SU = 1 storage unit - 1 NU = 1 network unit References: - Cloud units the the building blocks for any Cloud / IT workload. See definition [here](https://library.threefold.me/info/threefold#/tfgrid/farming/threefold__resource_units_calc_cloudunits) - Cloud units are also used to determine commercial pricing for utilisation. See definition [here](https://library.threefold.me/info/threefold#/cloud/threefold__pricing?id=discount-levels) - Low level primitive [cloud functions](https://library.threefold.me/info/threefold/#/technology/threefold__tfgrid_primitives)