## INCA Tokens

- 4 billion INCA on Solana (INCA = INternet CApacity)
- 1 INCA can be bought with 3 TFT or other digital currencies on the INCA DEX.
- the other 1 billion INCA will be used for airdrops which are managed by a strict [governance process](governance.md).

## INCA Fair Launch (1 month, starting April 10)

- INCA will be released as a fair launch at April 10.
- During the first month, each existing TFT Farmer can buy INCA.
- Each Farmer will be verified by Civic (which is a nice identity management system also on Solana) and TFChain (the ThreeFold Blockchain).  
- For the fair launch, these INCA can only be bought using TFT. 
- Each TFT used to buy an INCA will get burned. 
- The Fair Launch buyers have a lock up of 3 months before they can sell their INCA.

## INCA Swiss Launch through Swissborg

> complete

## INCA Public Launch 

Use INCA Dex to start with.

> TODO: what could be the right way how to do this, or should we just leave it open?