## Consensus 3.X Oracles used

Oracles are external resources of information.

The TFChain captures and holds that information so we get more certainty about the accuracy.

We have oracles for price & reputation for e.g. TFFarmers and TFNodes.

These oracles are implemented on TF_CHAIN for TFGrid 3.0.


graph TB
    subgraph Digital Currency Ecosystem
        money_blockchain[Money Blockchain Explorers]
        Exch1[Money Blockchain Decentralized Exchange]
        OracleEngine --> Exch1[Polkadot]
        OracleEngine --> Exch1[Money Blockchain Exchange]
        OracleEngine --> Exch2[Binance Exchange]
        OracleEngine --> Exch3[other... exchanges]        
    subgraph ThreeFold Grid
        Monitor_Engine --> TFNode1
        Monitor_Engine --> TFNode2
        Monitor_Engine --> TFNode3
    subgraph TFChainNode1[TFGrid Blockchain Node]
        Explorers[TFChain Explorers]-->TFGridDB --> BCNode
        Explorers --> BCNode
        ConsensusEngine1-->BCNode[Blockchain Validator Node]
        ConsensusEngine1 --> money_blockchain[Money Blockchain]
        ConsensusEngine1 --> ReputationEngine[Reputation Engine]
        ReputationEngine --> Monitor_Engine[Monitor Engine]
        ConsensusEngine1 --> OracleEngine[Oracle For Pricing Digital Currencies]


- See [Roadmap TFChain/DAO 3.x](roadmap_tfchain3) for info of implementation.