
# Storage

|                             | ThreeFold Network Layer                                                                  | Overlay Storage Systems / Networks                                                                                      |
| Management                  | Full P2P, done by 3bot Agents, blockchain IT contract                                    | Centralized leading to security issues                                                                                  |
| Locality                    | Data can be local and sovereign, full control by the the user (data creator)             | Based on centralized control mechanisms or inefficient algorithms that route traffic indiscriminately across the globe. |
| Quantum Safe                | Yes, novel encoding system (not encryption based) makes impossible to hack data.         | No                                                                                                                      |
| Post Quantum                | Possible (ask us)                                                                        | No                                                                                                                      |
| Scalability                 | Yes, this system exists +10 years, is being used by large orgs for zetabytes.            | Some systems, most not, but centralized.                                                                                |
| Compatibility               | Yes thanks to filesystem approach                                                        | Depends, often not                                                                                                      |
| Backdoors                   | NO, all is based on opensource                                                           | ?                                                                                                                       |
| Performance                 | Is not a super fast system but good for most cases, +- 100 MB / sec per content creator. | Variable, hard to say, some are                                                                                         |
| Efficiency for redundancy   | Ultra efficient, only 20% overhead to allow 4 locations to go down                       | NO, sometimes +5 copies = 500%                                                                                          |
| Fully integrated in compute | Yes                                                                                      | Lots of different solutions                                                                                             |