# Potential partners

> We are hoping to onboard following partners soon.

## Filecoin

- https://fvm.filecoin.io/ 


- storage for filecoin pinning (IPFS)
- compute for their VM's

what do we need from Filecoin

- they need to put TBD amount in our INCA treasury (people earning INCA can exit to Filecoin)
- they need to make publicity for us and what we do for them
- or they do the integration of they sponsor some of their tokens for us to do the integration (TBD)

what do we do for them

- we take them with us to our communities in emerging markets
- put them on our website


- is there staking requirement?
- what is realistic return a hoster can get and how does it work?

## Helium 


- we bring them in TNZ/ZNZ and more countries with their full offering (5G and low bandwidth nodes LoRaWAN)


- we need them for locality services based on LoRaWAN
- we need them for last mile 5G

what do we need from Helium

- they need to put TBD amount in our INCA treasury (people earning INCA can exit to Filecoin)
- they need to make publicity for us and what we do for them
- or they do the integration of they sponsor some of their tokens for us to do the integration (TBD)
- they tell their users how their currency can be used to buy cloud capacity (optional but nice)
- they put mycelium in their 5G routers (maybe even some lo-ran one)

what do we do for them

- we take them with us to our communities in emerging markets
- we arrange frequency spectrum for their 5G
- we promote them with the countries we work with


- is there staking requirement for hosters of helium nodes? (we hope not, needs to be easy)
- what is realistic return a hoster can get?
- how fast can they roll out their 5G here
- how can we promote this together

## Hivemapper 


- we want to use them to map locations and use their data in our metaverse and digital twin envoronments
- we have 2 very concrete deals waiting (saudi, znz) but more coming, we would be a BIG customer but also we need lots of car's on the road doing it
- we also sell car's to governments which have dashcam's inside


- we need them for our projects and it makes lot of sense

what do we need from them

- they need to put TBD amount in our INCA treasury (people earning INCA can exit to Filecoin)
- they need to make publicity for us and what we do for them
- they need to host their storage, compute also on our network

what do we do for them

- we take them with us to our communities in emerging markets
- we put them in our big projects
- we provide storage, compute, gpu for them where needed, a much bigger most cost effective cloud
- they tell their users how their currency can be used to buy cloud capacity


- what return can e.g. a taxi driver get
- how can we promote this together

## elest.io 


- we promote them as our main dev ops provider (cloud front end)


- can be fastest source of utilization

what do we need from them

- they put us in their platform
- they support mycelium and quantum safe storage natively
- a white labeled version, need to discuss revenue share, suggest 10% of revenue -> them for using the white labeled version, can they still provide the support there 90% of fee -> them

what do we do for them

- we provide storage, compute, gpu for them where needed, a much bigger most cost effective cloud
- we bring them everywhere too


- fee structure

## https://metablox.io/


- wireless extensions to TFGrid
- last mile connectivity
what do we need from them

- they need to put TBD amount in our INCA treasury (people earning INCA can exit to Filecoin)
- they need to make publicity for us and what we do for them
- or they do the integration of they sponsor some of their tokens for us to do the integration (TBD)
- they integrate mycelium in their routers (can be addon small box or in the router itself)
- they tell their users how their currency can be used to buy cloud capacity

what do we do for them

- we take them with us to our communities in emerging markets and countries
- we give them lots of customers


- is there staking requirement? (we hope not, needs to be easy)
- what is realistic return a privider can get?
- how can we promote this together

## Render (RNDR)


- rendering extensions to TFGrid
what do we need from them

- they need to put TBD amount in our INCA treasury (people earning INCA can exit to Filecoin)
- they need to make publicity for us and what we do for them
- or they do the integration of they sponsor some of their tokens for us to do the integration (TBD)
- they integrate mycelium in their software so all can get to their service over mycelium
- they integrate quantum safe storage to store their data
- they tell their users how their currency can be used to buy cloud capacity

what do we do for them

- they get an integrated cloud distribution platform
- we take them with us to our communities in emerging markets and countries
- we give them lots of customers


- is there staking requirement? (we hope not, needs to be easy)
- what is realistic return a privider can get?
- how can we promote this together

## https://coldstack.io/


- web3 gw to storage
what do we need from them

- they need to put TBD amount in our INCA treasury (people earning INCA can exit to Filecoin)
- they need to make publicity for us and what we do for them
- or they do the integration of they sponsor some of their tokens for us to do the integration (TBD)
- they integrate mycelium in their software so all can get to their service over mycelium
- optional they integrate quantum safe storage to store their data
- they use our cloud as backend

what do we do for them

- we take them with us to our communities in emerging markets and countries


- is there staking requirement? (we hope not, needs to be easy)
- how does tokenomics work
- how can we promote this together

## others

- https://coingape.com/best-depin-projects
- https://phemex.com/blogs/top-depin-projects-2024