Deploy CapRover

Table of Contents

- [Introduction](#introduction) - [Leader Node](#leader-node) - [Code Example](#code-example) - [Environment Variables](#environment-variables) - [Worker Node](#worker-node) - [Code Example](#code-example-1) - [Environment Variables](#environment-variables-1) - [Questions and Feedback](#questions-and-feedback) *** ## Introduction In this section, we show how to deploy CapRover with the Javascript client. This deployment is very similar to what we have in the section [Deploy a VM](./, but the environment variables are different. ## Leader Node We present here a code example and the environment variables to deploy a CapRover Leader node. For further details about the Leader node deployment, [read this documentation]( ### Code Example ```ts import { DiskModel, FilterOptions, MachineModel, MachinesModel, NetworkModel, } from "../src"; import { config, getClient } from "./client_loader"; import { log } from "./utils"; async function main() { const grid3 = await getClient(); const vmQueryOptions: FilterOptions = { cru: 4, mru: 4, // GB sru: 10, farmId: 1, }; const CAPROVER_FLIST = ""; // create network Object const n = new NetworkModel(); = "wedtest"; n.ip_range = ""; // create disk Object const disk = new DiskModel(); = "wedDisk"; disk.size = 10; disk.mountpoint = "/var/lib/docker"; // create vm node Object const vm = new MachineModel(); = "testvm"; vm.node_id = +(await grid3.capacity.filterNodes(vmQueryOptions))[0].nodeId; vm.disks = [disk]; vm.public_ip = true; vm.planetary = false; vm.cpu = 4; vm.memory = 1024 * 4; vm.rootfs_size = 0; vm.flist = CAPROVER_FLIST; vm.entrypoint = "/sbin/zinit init"; vm.env = { PUBLIC_KEY: config.ssh_key, SWM_NODE_MODE: "leader", CAPROVER_ROOT_DOMAIN: "", // update me DEFAULT_PASSWORD: "captain42", CAPTAIN_IMAGE_VERSION: "latest", }; // create VMs Object const vms = new MachinesModel(); = "newVMS5"; = n; vms.machines = [vm]; vms.metadata = "{'testVMs': true}"; vms.description = "caprover leader machine/node"; // deploy vms const res = await grid3.machines.deploy(vms); log(res); // get the deployment const l = await grid3.machines.getObj(; log(l); log( `You can access Caprover via the browser using: https://captain.${vm.env.CAPROVER_ROOT_DOMAIN}` ); // // delete // const d = await grid3.machines.delete({ name: }); // log(d); await grid3.disconnect(); } main(); ``` ### Environment Variables - PUBLIC_KEY: Your public IP to be able to access the VM. - SWM_NODE_MODE: Caprover Node type which must be `leader` as we are deploying a leader node. - CAPROVER_ROOT_DOMAIN: The domain which you we will use to bind the deployed VM. - DEFAULT_PASSWORD: Caprover default password you want to deploy with. ## Worker Node We present here a code example and the environment variables to deploy a CapRover Worker node. Note that before deploying the Worker node, you should check the following: - Get the Leader node public IP address. - The Worker node should join the cluster from the UI by adding public IP address and the private SSH key. For further information, [read this documentation]( ### Code Example ```ts import { DiskModel, FilterOptions, MachineModel, MachinesModel, NetworkModel, } from "../src"; import { config, getClient } from "./client_loader"; import { log } from "./utils"; async function main() { const grid3 = await getClient(); const vmQueryOptions: FilterOptions = { cru: 4, mru: 4, // GB sru: 10, farmId: 1, }; const CAPROVER_FLIST = ""; // create network Object const n = new NetworkModel(); = "wedtest"; n.ip_range = ""; // create disk Object const disk = new DiskModel(); = "wedDisk"; disk.size = 10; disk.mountpoint = "/var/lib/docker"; // create vm node Object const vm = new MachineModel(); = "capworker1"; vm.node_id = +(await grid3.capacity.filterNodes(vmQueryOptions))[0].nodeId; vm.disks = [disk]; vm.public_ip = true; vm.planetary = false; vm.cpu = 4; vm.memory = 1024 * 4; vm.rootfs_size = 0; vm.flist = CAPROVER_FLIST; vm.entrypoint = "/sbin/zinit init"; vm.env = { // These env. vars needed to be changed based on the leader node. PUBLIC_KEY: config.ssh_key, SWM_NODE_MODE: "worker", LEADER_PUBLIC_IP: "", CAPTAIN_IMAGE_VERSION: "latest", }; // create VMs Object const vms = new MachinesModel(); = "newVMS6"; = n; vms.machines = [vm]; vms.metadata = "{'testVMs': true}"; vms.description = "caprover worker machine/node"; // deploy vms const res = await grid3.machines.deploy(vms); log(res); // get the deployment const l = await grid3.machines.getObj(; log(l); // // delete // const d = await grid3.machines.delete({ name: }); // log(d); await grid3.disconnect(); } main(); ``` ### Environment Variables The deployment of the Worker node is similar to the deployment of the Leader node, with the exception of the environment variables which differ slightly. - PUBLIC_KEY: Your public IP to be able to access the VM. - SWM_NODE_MODE: Caprover Node type which must be `worker` as we are deploying a worker node. - LEADER_PUBLIC_IP: Leader node public IP. ## Questions and Feedback If you have any questions, you can ask the ThreeFold community for help on the [ThreeFold Forum]( or on the [ThreeFold Grid Tester Community]( on Telegram.