RMB Relay

Table of Contents

- [Introduction](#introduction) - [Example](#example) *** ## Introduction We present an example of RMB relay. Note that the extension for this kind of file is `.wsd`. ## Example ``` @startuml RMB actor "Peer 1" as peer1 participant "Relay 1" as relay1 participant "Relay 2" as relay2 actor "Peer 2" as peer2 actor "Peer 3" as peer3 peer1 --> relay1: Establish WS connection peer2 --> relay1: Establish WS connection peer3 --> relay2: Establish WS connection peer1 -> relay1: Send message (Envelope)\n(destination "Peer 2") relay1 -> peer2: Forward message directly peer1 -> relay1: Send message (Envelope)\n(destination "Peer 3") note right "Peer 3" does not live on "Relay 1" hence federation is needed end note relay1 -> relay2: Federation of message for\n Peer 3 relay2 -> peer3: Forward message directly @enduml ```