# 4 phases, TFT is Scarce and Valuable ![alt_text](img/velocity_phase.png ) The first phase has been focused on the initial expansion and the creation of all the technology required (this phase is now completed. The next two phases are all about accelerated expansion, and this requires many billions of tokens and tens of thousands of servers, neither of which are available today. To support the accelerated expansion phase, we are now establishing a set of liquidity pools.The more TFT flow, the more successful ThreeFold will become. **Phase 1 = The Creation & Initial Roll out Phase (Completed)** * Creation of the ThreeFold Grid, rewards for all early farmers & technology providers. +50m USD invested. * Initial roll out, Proof of technology (we are now gen 3), every day new capacity is extended without our involvement. * **We are now at the end of phase 1, the market cap of the tokens is < 20m USD, this represents a real opportunity.** \ **Phase 2 = Expansion Phase = Requires X Billion TFT = STAKING FOR EXPANSION \ ** * This stage will need multiple billions of TFT, this will stabilize the TFT price & drive liquidity. * While the world is becoming less stable, more and more people realize that they need a new Internet and more stable digital currencies. Because of the underlying tokenomics, TFT might be a good future inflation hedge. * Liquidity Flow Providers (LFP) power the financial system of this model, providing flow. \ **Phase 3 = Web 4.0 Roll out = Requires Y Billion TFT = BUY THREEFOLD KEYS** * The Twin for Life concept holds the key to our digital future. * A first roll out for web 4.0 will be called Uhuru our alternative to +10 digital internet experiences (also called FreeFlow). ** \ Phase 4 = Velocity Phase = the engine is running at full speed = the world has a new internet (-: ** * TFT is needed everywhere to get access to * Web 4.0 - hundreds of millions of twins * TFGrid Internet Capacity * Rendering & Streaming capacity for Gaming & Metaverse Capacity (this will be HUGE) * DEFI Pools for more P2P currencies * This will lead to increased velocity and flow: this is how a valuable digital currency is being created. * As part of this phase, we burn (take out of circulation) more tokens than we create thanks to our burning concept. _For Phase 2 and 3, we would require +100 Billion of TFT if the TFT price were not to rise from current absurdly low prices, there is simply nowhere near enough TFT available so the TFT price must rise as a consequence._