![alt text](remuneration.png)

# Remuneration

- Our aim is to get the marketcap to billions of USD (*).
- We believe the best way to remunerate our team is by rewarding INCA tokens with a vesting scheme.

## Remuneration of Launch of this Project

- Up to 5,10 or max 20 million INCA for top contributors/advisors/influencers
- 12% delivery at start, and then 8% per month after (in other words 1 year work)
- All delivered INCA have accelerated vesting of 24 months
- Accelerated vesting
  - If INCA gets above 0.5 CHF per INCA the vesting accelerates 50%
  - If above 0.6 CHF 60% 
  - ... 
  - If above 1 CHF 100% acceleration
- Agreement with TF DMCC or Smart Contract

> (*) Disclaimer, no promise...