Deploy mdBook with Hero on Docker

Table of Contents

- [Introduction](#introduction) - [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) - [Steps](#steps) - [Questions and Feedback](#questions-and-feedback) --- ## Introduction We give the basic steps to use Hero on Docker to run and create mdBooks. ## Prerequisites - Docker engine should be installed and running - You need a git repository to work with (here we use **info_tfgrid**) - Clone the hero mdbook repo on your local machine and note the path ## Steps In this setup, we will have two temrinal windows running. One window running the **docker run** command and the other running the **docker exec** command. Steps are shown in details. Note that you will need to adjust the local path of the git repo and the docker path of the git repo. - On a terminal window, start Hero docker ``` sudo docker run --name herodocker -v /local/machine/path/to/git/repo:/docker/path/to/git/repo/ ``` - In our case, the docker path to the repo is the following ``` /root/code/ ``` - Open a new terminal window and enter the following. We will be working on this window now. ``` sudo docker exec -it herodocker bash ``` - Set git globally with a safe directory ``` git config --global --add /root/code/ ``` - You can now use hero normally, e.g. with **projectinca**: ``` hero mdbook -u -gp ``` - To view the mdbook on your local browser, run the lines: ``` cd ~/hero/var/mdbuild/projectinca/ mdbook serve -n ``` - You should be able to view the rendered book at ``` ``` - To stop the container, exit the current window and run the following: ``` sudo docker stop herodocker ``` - The first terminal window that was running **docker run** should now have exited Docker. - To start Hero after having stopped the container, run the following: ``` sudo docker start herodocker ``` - You can now run the previous line **docker exec** and continue your work. ## Questions and Feedback If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know by either writing a post on the [ThreeFold Forum](, or by chatting with us on the [TF Grid Tester Community]( Telegram channel.