## Units Config

- zinit is using unit files (which describes a service)
- the functionality described here allows zinit to reconfigure itself so we can always get out of issues

there are 3 main reasons to have this functionality

1. debug/development (only if debug flag is set in config)
2. fallback/disaster recovery
3. bootstrap, for the first initial setup, a node will receive the required setup in zinit, e.g. connect to farmingpool...

in normal mode the zinit will contact the registrar once an hour and check if there is something to be done.

there are 2 modes

- maintenance: check every 1h
- active: check every 5 sec

some prinpciples

- each instruction given to zero-os needs to be properly signed by the required amount of registrars.
- each instruction is a openrpc instruction where we use the openrpc return mechanism as described in [openrpc.md](openrpc.md).

## available instructions

- method_name: mode_active
  - params:
    - enddate : int (epoch time when to switch to maintenance mode, can never be longer than 2h)
  - nothing to return
- method_name: zinit_list
  - returns list of all units (service files) and their status
- method_name: zinit_set
  - set a zinit unit file (service file) with all possibilities (see zinit specs)
- method_name: zinit_delete
  - name of the zinit unit file

  ## implementation

  Have a driver which uses zinit, keep zinit small, do in V.