# Planning ## week 1: April 5 - agreement GoldHawk,Georges & GreenEdge for Airdrop for working together (Sacha) (ASAP) - intial meetings with GoldHawk, Georges, ... done - some initial planning for Solana Launch done technical - Referral API online (openrcp) to allow TFConnect team to integrate - specs for reporting page (like Akash) ## week 2: April 12 - review Solana Wiki, update required content - have some intial teams defined technical - first TFConnect with identity management, referrals, ... ## End April - One way Bridge TFT to Solana - Alfa version new TF Connect - Cultivation (TFT incoming) -> automatic TFChain to Stellar , report on reporting page as revenue income for cooperative > TODO: need to complete # Done ## 24 March (done) - system to create tokens & nft on Solana (Kristof)