graph TD subgraph Data Origin file[Large chunk of data = part_1part_2part_3part_4] parta[part_1] partb[part_2] partc[part_3] partd[part_4] file -.- |split part_1|parta file -.- |split part_2|partb file -.- |split part 3|partc file -.- |split part 4|partd parta --> partb --> partc --> partd parta -.-> vara[ A = part_1] partb -.-> varb[ B = part_2] partc -.-> varc[ C = part_3] partd -.-> vard[ D = part_4] end subgraph Create equations with the data parts eq1[A + B + C + D = 6] eq2[A + B + C - D = 3] eq3[A + B - C - D = 10] eq4[ A - B - C - D = -4] eq5[ A - B + C + D = 0] eq6[ A - B - C + D = 5] vara & varb & varc & vard --> eq1 & eq2 & eq3 & eq4 & eq5 & eq6 end subgraph Disk 1 eq1 --> |store the unique equation, not the parts|zdb1[A + B + C + D = 6] end subgraph Disk 2 eq2 --> |store the unique equation, not the parts|zdb2[A + B + C - D = 3] end subgraph Disk 3 eq3 --> |store the unique equation, not the parts|zdb3[A + B - C - D = 10] end subgraph Disk 4 eq4 --> |store the unique equation, not the parts|zdb4[A - B - C - D = -4] end subgraph Disk 5 eq5 --> |store the unique equation, not the parts|zdb5[ A - B + C + D = 0] end subgraph Disk 6 eq6 --> |store the unique equation, not the parts|zdb6[A - B - C + D = 5] end