# Tokenomics ```mermaid flowchart TD A[Cloud User] -->|CHF/EUR/...| B(CLOUD MARKET PLACE
Discount based on position
in TF Liquidity Pool.) A[Cloud User] -->|CHF/EUR/...| B2((ThreeFold
Liquidity Pool)) B2 -->|TFT or INCA| B B -->|TFT or INCA| C{Proof Of Utilization} G[FARMING GRANTS
40m Tokens / Month]--> I{Proof Of Capacity
uptime, location, ...} --> D C -->|80%| D[ThreeFold Farmers] C -->|10%| E[ThreeFold Cooperative] C -->|10%| F[Validators
Commercial Partners] ``` Farmers are rewarded by 80% of the fees as paid by the Cloud Users, the user pays in Fiat Currency. The marketplace automatically converts the FIAT currency to TFT and INCA as is needed to fullfil the request. ## Distribution ```echarts option = { title: { text: 'Token', subtext: 'Distribution', left: 'center' }, tooltip: { trigger: 'item' }, series: [ { name: 'Distribution', type: 'pie', radius: '70%', data: [ { value: 725, name: 'Farmers & Tech ThreeFold Grid 1-3' }, { value: 1475, name: 'Farmers ThreeFold Grid 4+' }, { value: 300, name: 'Community Rewards + Promotion' }, { value: 300, name: 'Grants' }, { value: 200, name: 'Liquidity / Dex' }, { value: 400, name: 'Investors' }, { value: 100, name: 'ThreeFold Dubai Holdings' }, { value: 500, name: 'Team' }, ], emphasis: { itemStyle: { shadowBlur: 10, shadowOffsetX: 0, shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)' } } } ] }; ``` There can never be more than 4 Billion Tokens. - 55% of supply for Farming and Tech - People expanding the network with Router & Node capacity over the multiple releases - 18.1%: Farmers & Tech ThreeFold Grid 1-3 (+95% minted, summer 2024) - 36.9%: Farmers ThreeFold Grid 4+ (0% minted, summer 2024) - 7.5% Community Expansion Rewards + Promotion - Promotion of the TFGrid, Marketing Activities, ... - 7.5% Community grants - We want to expand and build our project in first place together with the community - 5% for liquidity providing (DEX, marketmakers, ...) - 2.5% ThreeFold Dubai holdings (held by the company who manages and promotes the grid) - 10% For Investors - 12.5% for team and contributor rewards > Do note this table is still under deliberation and can change ## Release Schedule ![](img/token_release_stacked.png) - Investors release over 2 years, in equal tranches. - Farmer rewards are released over 3 years. - Ecosystem rewards over 4 years This leads to following maximum unlocking table ![](img/token_release.png) The vesting accelerates if the token price gets above 0.5 USD, for each 0.1 USD above additional 10% unlocks into the INCA Liquidity pool. Thanks to the liquidity pool the price remains stable even if people decide to chose the option to unvest faster.