
# Roadmap

## phase 1: wave 1 of companies, leading to our expertise

- technology creation, was result of 20 years of evolution
- 7 startups acquired as part of this process
- technology used globally by big vendors
- +600m USD Exits

## phase 2: proof of tech

- Technology launched globally
- +60,000,000 vcpu active
- Large scale proof of core technology
- Focus on early adoptors in tech space (cloud, web 2/3 ...)
- 50m USD funded by founders, community and farmers (people providing capacity)

## phase 3: commercialization & global expansion

### phase 3.1: Global Expansion

- ThreeFold Launches with Commercial Strategic Partners
  - Telco Operatators
  - IT Integrators
- Enterprise Roadmap delivered < 6 months (is mainly integration, documentation and UI work)
- Together with partners we deliver on the many projects which are in our funnel today.

### phase 3.2: Large Scale Financancing for Infrastructure

**Large scaling financing round**

- financing for infrastructure projects (trillions available right now for infra in emerging countries)
- Public STO (security token offering), let world co-own the infra for their Internet
- large partnerships drive alternative to Tier 3/4 Datacenters