# Grants

option = {
  title: {
    text: 'Grants',
    subtext: 'Distribution',
    left: 'center'
  tooltip: {
    trigger: 'item'
  series: [
      name: 'Distribution',
      type: 'pie',
      radius: '70%',
      data: [
        { value: 10, name: 'AI Boxes' },
        { value: 15, name: 'Cloud Boxes' },
        { value: 5, name: 'Storage Boxes' },
        { value: 5, name: 'INCA Marketplace' },
        { value: 20, name: 'Contributor Rewards' },
        { value: 5, name: 'Chapter Tanzania' },
        { value: 5, name: 'Chapter Brazil' },
        { value: 10, name: 'Biz dev rewards' },
        { value: 10, name: 'TFGrid 3.13' },
        { value: 5, name: 'TFGrid 3.14' },
        { value: 5, name: 'Thorchain DEX Launch' },
      emphasis: {
        itemStyle: {
          shadowBlur: 10,
          shadowOffsetX: 0,
          shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'

## Grants Treasury

- At least 180,000,000 TFT is available for Grants
  - projects defined below 
    - in future on https://projectinca.info/projects  (To Be Done, link not working yet)
  - voting through INCA Connect
- <10m  in locked pool (dead wallets)
## voting process

Initial projects are listed below.

- go to INCA Connect
- see the projects
- vote + or -
- vote requests for projects need to be live for a minimum of 2 weeks
- votes are not free min 5 USD, but preferred 10 or more, the proceeds of votes go back to treasury
- each project defines: min nr of votes, voting fee, if dedicated account, proper description, vesting scheme
- everyone can see the projects on https://projectinca.info/projects and comment if logged in and accepted as commenter or moderator
- we need simple majority to have positive vote
- once positive vote the money goes in account created per project, there can be vesting on it, with acceleration
- we start by supporting Stellar, will also support Solana

## Reward Projects

> Remark: all TFT are with vesting and have min execution price 0.1 USD per TFT or higher !

- [AIBoxes](aiboxes.md) : 10m TFT
- [CloudBoxes](cloudboxes.md) : 15m TFT
- [StorageBoxes](storageboxes.md) : 5m TFT
- [INCA Marketplace](marketplace_grant.md) : 5m TFT
- [Contributor Rewards](contributor_rewards.md): rewards for contributors (10-25m TFT)
- [Chapter Tanzania](chapter_tanzania.md) & [Chapter Brazil](chapter_brazil.md) : 4,000 per 3Node, 10,000 TFT per hackathon
- [Biz dev rewards](biz_dev_rewards.md): 5% of raised token sales or other investments in TFT at 0.1 USD per TFT or higher.
- [TFGrid 3.13](projectinca/grant_tf_3_13.md): 10m TFT
- [TFGrid 3.14](projectinca/grant_tf_3_14.md): 5m TFT
- [Thorchain DEX Launch](projectinca/grant_thorchain.md): 5m TFT