# VLANG Powerful Development Environment ThreeFold is the main sponsor behind vlang ![alt_text](img/v_programming_language.png "image_tooltip") Vlang is a language heavily inspired by google’s GOLANG but faster and more friendly with resources. It's also a language much easier to understand and code in. This language has 28.000 github stars which is +25% of google itself for golang, this shows the potential. We use VLANG for * Digital twin backend (the main language for our digital life) * Provisioning language for Threefold Grid (in progress) * Language integrated with our chosen blockchain Algorand (we are close to having a full VLang compatible SDK for Algorand as well as VTeal smart contract language, this will be the easiest way to integrate and develop on top of Algorand) * Dynamic Executor Language (fastest way to develop peer2peer on top of ThreeFold Grid). This Dynamic Executor Language is used in * Digital Twin * BCDB = BlockChain Database * ThreeFold Grid Executors (serverless functions & compatibility layer for old internet) This approach allows us maximum productivity and minimal resources utilization which leads to much more power and hardware efficient design. Our approach is * Ultimate simplicity (do more with less) * Easy to read code (DSL = Domain Specific Languages) * Ultra reliable communication thanks to RMB (Reliable Message Bus) * Safety, only support one best way how to do something