Table of Contents

- [Introduction](#introduction) - [Deploy](#deploy) - [Required Flags](#required-flags) - [Optional Flags](#optional-flags) - [Get](#get) - [Cancel](#cancel) *** ## Introduction In this section, we explore how to use ZDBs related commands using `tfcmd` to interact with the TFGrid. ## Deploy ```bash tfcmd deploy zdb [flags] ``` ### Required Flags - project_name: project name for the ZDBs deployment also used for canceling the deployment. must be unique. - size: HDD of zdb in GB. ### Optional Flags - node: node id zdbs should be deployed on. - farm: farm id zdbs should be deployed on, if set choose available node from farm that fits zdbs deployment specs (default 1). note: node and farm flags cannot be set both. - count: count of zdbs to be deployed (default 1). - names: a slice of names for the number of ZDBs. - password: password for ZDBs deployed - description: description for your ZDBs, it's optional. - mode: the enumeration of the modes 0-db can operate in (default user). - public: if zdb gets a public ip6 (default false). Example: - Deploying ZDBs ```console $ tfcmd deploy zdb --project_name examplezdb --size=10 --count=2 --password=password 12:06PM INF deploying zdbs 12:06PM INF zdb 'examplezdb0' is deployed 12:06PM INF zdb 'examplezdb1' is deployed ``` ## Get ```bash tfcmd get zdb ``` `zdb-project-name` is the name of the deployment specified in while deploying using tfcmd. Example: ```console $ tfcmd get zdb examplezdb 3:20PM INF zdb: { "Name": "examplezdb", "NodeID": 11, "SolutionType": "examplezdb", "SolutionProvider": null, "NetworkName": "", "Disks": [], "Zdbs": [ { "name": "examplezdb1", "password": "password", "public": false, "size": 10, "description": "", "mode": "user", "ips": [ "2a10:b600:1:0:c4be:94ff:feb1:8b3f", "302:9e63:7d43:b742:469d:3ec2:ab15:f75e" ], "port": 9900, "namespace": "81-36155-examplezdb1" }, { "name": "examplezdb0", "password": "password", "public": false, "size": 10, "description": "", "mode": "user", "ips": [ "2a10:b600:1:0:c4be:94ff:feb1:8b3f", "302:9e63:7d43:b742:469d:3ec2:ab15:f75e" ], "port": 9900, "namespace": "81-36155-examplezdb0" } ], "Vms": [], "QSFS": [], "NodeDeploymentID": { "11": 36155 }, "ContractID": 36155, "IPrange": "" } ``` ## Cancel ```bash tfcmd cancel ``` `zdb-project-name` is the name of the deployment specified in while deploying using tfcmd. Example: ```console $ tfcmd cancel examplezdb 3:37PM INF canceling contracts for project examplezdb 3:37PM INF examplezdb canceled ```