<h1> BetterToken NV </h1>

<h2> Table of Contents </h2>

- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Income](#income)
- [Structure](#structure)
- [Expected Changes](#expected-changes)


## Introduction

European Farming Cooperative for the foundation:

- Operates a data center in Lochristi (Belgium) offering hosting and connectivity for TF Farmers
- Currently, 100+ nodes – many of them are owned by TF farmers
- [ThreeFold Tech](threefold_tech.md) NV uses some of their equipment today for development
- Sale of small servers to TF Farmers, was done mainly via an online webshop

## Income

- Hosting fees for the maintenance & running of the farmer pool

## Structure

- Started 30 November 2016
- [limited liable company in belgium](http://www.ejustice.just.fgov.be/tsv_pdf/2016/11/30/16324281.pdf)
- Peter Van der Henst is the managing director

## Expected Changes

BetterToken continues to be farming cooperative for Europe. Right now there is not much happening in BetterToken.