# Dunia Yetu 


Together with a group of tech community leaders and innovators from Dar Es Salaam, we have kicked off a project called Dunia Yetu (Our World, in Swahili).

The primary goal of Dunia Yetu is to deliver a set of tools and a platform which will allow many thousands of coders in East Africa to create their own digital sovereign Internet.

# Vision

If we consider life as surfing on waves, some waves bring us forward, some we can't avoid and have potential to throw us off, and some we can help create to drive change. One thing is for sure: going against waves isn't so productive.

We must recognize the waves that could harm us but not become consumed by them.

What we require is a sea of change, but it won't come in the form of one monumental wave undoing everything we've done. The sea of change we need consists of millions, perhaps billions, of small waves all contributing to more sustainable life.

Let's unite and empower each other to generate these life-sustaining waves.

# Learn More

Learn more about the project and the ongoing steps by reading this book.