## Business Model - compression & encryption is added to the global grid we are building. Customers get this as free add on but the cost of the storage saved - 20% = license fee to Zetako. - storage revenue can easily be hundreds of millions in 5Y, imagine Zetako saves only 20% at that time avg out. - this is through partner ThreeFold Tech - oem license deals to other parties (Y2+) - for more advanced usecases (encryption) - better performance - technology will stay opensource ## Funding ACI will invest 2.2m USD in this project, this will give ACI XX % ownership after 2Y. ![](img/zetako_budget.png) remarks: - sales is done by biz dev team at accelerator level - most of legal, finance, admin done at accelerator level - first 2 years we don't take sales into consideration for funding need (just to be conservative) - the value impact is much higher compared to the cash contribution - Q3 an acquistion of shares has been planned for an existing investor in Zetako (X% of the shares)