Deploying ZDBs for QSFS

Table of Contents

- [Introduction](#introduction) - [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) - [Example code](#example-code) - [Detailed explanation](#detailed-explanation) - [Getting the client](#getting-the-client) - [Preparing the nodes](#preparing-the-nodes) - [Preparing ZDBs](#preparing-zdbs) - [Deploying the ZDBs](#deploying-the-zdbs) - [Getting deployment information](#getting-deployment-information) - [Deleting a deployment](#deleting-a-deployment) *** ## Introduction We show how to deploy ZDBs for QSFS on the TFGrid with the Javascript client. ## Prerequisites - Make sure you have your [client](./ prepared ## Example code ````typescript import { FilterOptions, QSFSZDBSModel } from "../src"; import { getClient } from "./client_loader"; import { log } from "./utils"; async function main() { const grid3 = await getClient(); const qsfs_name = "zdbsQsfsDemo"; const qsfsQueryOptions: FilterOptions = { hru: 8, availableFor: grid3.twinId, farmId: 1, }; const qsfsNodes = []; const allNodes = await grid3.capacity.filterNodes(qsfsQueryOptions); if (allNodes.length >= 2) { qsfsNodes.push(+allNodes[0].nodeId, +allNodes[1].nodeId); } else { throw Error("Couldn't find nodes for qsfs"); } const qsfs: QSFSZDBSModel = { name: qsfs_name, count: 12, node_ids: qsfsNodes, password: "mypassword", disk_size: 1, description: "my zdbs test", metadata: "", }; const deploy_res = await grid3.qsfs_zdbs.deploy(qsfs); log(deploy_res); const zdbs_data = await grid3.qsfs_zdbs.get({ name: qsfs_name }); log(zdbs_data); await grid3.disconnect(); } main(); ```` ## Detailed explanation ### Getting the client ```typescript const grid3 = getClient(); ``` ### Preparing the nodes we need to deploy the zdbs on two different nodes so, we setup the filters here to retrieve the available nodes. ````typescript const qsfsQueryOptions: FilterOptions = { hru: 16, availableFor: grid3.twinId, farmId: 1, }; const qsfsNodes = []; const allNodes = await grid3.capacity.filterNodes(qsfsQueryOptions); if (allNodes.length >= 2) { qsfsNodes.push(+allNodes[0].nodeId, +allNodes[1].nodeId); } else { throw Error("Couldn't find nodes for qsfs"); } ```` Now we have two nodes in `qsfsNode`. ### Preparing ZDBs ````typescript const qsfs_name = "zdbsQsfsDemo"; ```` We prepare here a name to use across the client for the QSFS ZDBs ### Deploying the ZDBs ````typescript const qsfs: QSFSZDBSModel = { name: qsfs_name, count: 12, node_ids: qsfsNodes, password: "mypassword", disk_size: 1, description: "my qsfs test", metadata: "", }; const deploy_res = await grid3.qsfs_zdbs.deploy(qsfs); log(deploy_res); ```` Here we deploy `12` ZDBs on nodes in `qsfsNode` with password `mypassword`, all of them having disk size of `1GB`, the client already add 4 zdbs for metadata. ### Getting deployment information ````typescript const zdbs_data = await grid3.qsfs_zdbs.get({ name: qsfs_name }); log(zdbs_data); ```` ### Deleting a deployment ````typescript const delete_response = await grid3.qsfs_zdbs.delete({ name: qsfs_name }); log(delete_response); ````