<h1>Get TFT: Pancake Swap (BSC)</h1>

<h2>Table of Contents</h2>

- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
- [Buy TFT on PancakeSwap](#buy-tft-on-pancakeswap)
- [Important Notice](#important-notice)
- [Disclaimer](#disclaimer)


## Introduction

In this guide, we present how to buy and sell ThreeFold Tokens on BNB Smart Chain (BSC) using [Pancake Swap](https://pancakeswap.finance/).

**BNB Smart Chain** is a blockchain network that enables the execution of smart contracts and decentralized applications, while **Pancake Swap** is a popular decentralized exchange (DEX) built on BSC. 

## Prerequisites

Before you can buy TFT on Pancake Swap, there are a few prerequisites you need to fulfill. Here's what you'll need:

- **BSC Wallet**: To interact with the BNB Smart Chain and Pancake Swap, you'll need a BSC-compatible wallet. [MetaMask](https://metamask.io/) is a popular option that supports BSC. Make sure to set up and secure your wallet before proceeding.

> [Set up a MetaMask Wallet](../storing_tft/metamask.md)

- **Connect BSC Wallet to Pancake Swap**: Visit the Pancake Swap website and connect your BSC wallet to your Pancake Swap account.

> [Connect Wallet to Pancake Swap](https://docs.pancakeswap.finance/readme/get-started/connection-guide)

- **Get BNB Tokens**: As the native cryptocurrency of BNB Smart Chain, BNB is required to pay for transaction fees on the network. Ensure you have some BNB tokens in your BSC wallet to cover these fees when buying TFT on Pancake Swap. Read [this tutorial](https://fortunly.com/articles/how-to-buy-bnb/) to know where you can buy BNB and transfer them to your BSC Wallet.

> [Get BNB Tokens](https://docs.pancakeswap.finance/readme/get-started/bep20-guide)

##  Buy TFT on PancakeSwap

On Pancake Swap, you can easily convert your existing crypto assets on BSC network into TFT-BSC by using the Swap function. Once you have obtained TFT-BSC, you have the option to bridge it into TFT Native on the Stellar network by utilizing the [TFT-Stellar bridge](../tft_bridges/tfchain_stellar_bridge.md). Let's swap some tokens!

Now that you're all set, go to your [PancakeSwap homepage](https://pancakeswap.finance/) and click on **Trade > Swap** button as shown. Please Make sure you're on **BNB Smart Chain** network.

On the Swap Page, you would see that it displays swapping from BNB to CAKE as default. Here we'd like to change that to BNB (or any other tokens you have) to TFT. click on '**CAKE**' and find TFT on the token listing pop up page, and click '**Import**'.

Once selected, define how much BNB or other token you would like to swap into TFT, and click on the '**Swap**' button.

That's it! You have officially swapped BNB into TFT. 

## Important Notice

If you are looking for ways to provide liquidity for TFT on BNB Smart Chain on Pancake Swap, you will find the according information [here](../liquidity/liquidity_pancake.md).

## Disclaimer

> The information provided in this tutorial or any related discussion is not intended as investment advice. The purpose is to provide educational and informational content only. Investing in cryptocurrencies or any other assets carries inherent risks, and it is crucial to conduct your own research and exercise caution before making any investment decisions. 
> **The ThreeFold Token (TFT)** is not to be considered as a traditional investment instrument. The value of cryptocurrencies can be volatile, and there are no guarantees of profits or returns. Always be aware of the risks involved and make informed choices based on your own assessment and understanding. We strongly encourage you to read our [full disclaimer](../../../knowledge_base/legal/disclaimer.md) and seek advice from a qualified financial professional if needed.