<h1> Grid3 Client</h1>

<h2>Table of Contents</h2>

- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Client Configurations](#client-configurations)
- [Creating/Initializing The Grid3 Client](#creatinginitializing-the-grid3-client)
- [What is `rmb-rs` | Reliable Message Bus --rust](#what-is-rmb-rs--reliable-message-bus---rust)
- [Grid3 Client Options](#grid3-client-options)

## Introduction

Grid3 Client is a client used for deploying workloads (VMs, ZDBs, k8s, etc.) on the TFGrid.

## Client Configurations

so you have to set up your configuration file to be like this:

    "network": "dev",
    "mnemonic": "<Your mnemonic>",
    "storeSecret": "secret",
    "ssh_key": ""

## Creating/Initializing The Grid3 Client

async function getClient(): Promise<GridClient> {
    const gridClient = new GridClient({
        network: "dev", // can be dev, qa, test, main, or custom
        mnemonic: "<add your mnemonic here>",
    await gridClient.connect();

    return gridClient;

The grid client uses `rmb-rs` tool to send requests to/from nodes.

## What is `rmb-rs` | Reliable Message Bus --rust

Reliable message bus is a secure communication panel that allows bots to communicate together in a chat like way. It makes it very easy to host a service or a set of functions to be used by anyone, even if your service is running behind NAT.

Out of the box RMB provides the following:

- Guarantee authenticity of the messages. You are always sure that the received message is from whoever is pretending to be
- End to End encryption
- Support for 3rd party hosted relays. Anyone can host a relay and people can use it safely since there is no way messages can be inspected while
using e2e. That's similar to home servers by matrix

## Grid3 Client Options

- network: `dev` for devnet, `test` for testnet
- mnemonics: used for signing the requests.
- storeSecret: used to encrypt data while storing in backend. It's any word that will be used for encrypting/decrypting the keys on threefold key-value store. If left empty, the Grid client will use the mnemonics as the storeSecret.
- BackendStorage : can be `auto` which willl automatically adapt if running in node environment to use `filesystem backend` or the browser enviornment to use `localstorage backend`. Also you can set it to `kvstore` to use the tfchain keyvalue store module.
- keypairType: is defaulted to `sr25519`, most likely you will never need to change it. `ed25519` is supported too.

for more details, check [client options](client_configuration.md)

> Note: The choice of the node is completely up to the user at this point. They need to do the capacity planning. Check [Node Finder](dashboard@@node_finder) to know which nodes fits your deployment criteria.

Check the document for [capacity planning using code](grid3_javascript_capacity_planning.md) if you want to automate it
> Note: this feature is still experimental