2. Create a Zero-OS Bootstrap Image

Table of Contents

- [Introduction](#introduction) - [Download the Zero-OS Bootstrap Image](#download-the-zero-os-bootstrap-image) - [Burn the Zero-OS Bootstrap Image](#burn-the-zero-os-bootstrap-image) - [CD/DVD BIOS](#cddvd-bios) - [USB Key BIOS+UEFI](#usb-key-biosuefi) - [BalenaEtcher - MAC, Linux, Windows](#balenaetcher---mac-linux-windows) - [CLI (Linux)](#cli-linux) - [Rufus (Windows)](#rufus-windows) - [Additional Information (Optional)](#additional-information-optional) - [Expert Mode](#expert-mode) - [Use a Specific Kernel](#use-a-specific-kernel) - [Disable GPU](#disable-gpu) - [Bootstrap Image URL](#bootstrap-image-url) - [Zeros-OS Bootstrapping](#zeros-os-bootstrapping) - [Zeros-OS Expert Bootstrap](#zeros-os-expert-bootstrap) *** ## Introduction We will now learn how to create a Zero-OS bootstrap image in order to boot a DIY 3Node. ## Download the Zero-OS Bootstrap Image Let's download the Zero-OS bootstrap image. In the Farms section of the Dashboard, click on **Bootstrap Node Image** ![dashboard_bootstrap_farm](./img/dashboard_bootstrap_farm.png) or use the direct link [https://v3.bootstrap.grid.tf](https://v3.bootstrap.grid.tf): ``` https://v3.bootstrap.grid.tf ``` ![Farming_Create_Farm_21](./img/farming_createfarm_21.png) This is the Zero-OS v3 Bootstrapping page. ![Farming_Create_Farm_22](./img/farming_createfarm_22.png) Write your farm ID and choose production mode. ![Farming_Create_Farm_23](./img/farming_createfarm_23.png) If your system is new, you might be able to run the bootstrap in UEFI mode. ![Farming_Create_Farm_24](./img/farming_createfarm_24.png) For older systems, run the bootstrap in BIOS mode. For BIOS CD/DVD, choose **ISO**. For BIOS USB, choose **USB** Download the bootstrap image. Next, we will burn the bootstrap image. ## Burn the Zero-OS Bootstrap Image We show how to burn the Zero-OS bootstrap image. A quick and modern way is to burn the bootstrap image on a USB key. ### CD/DVD BIOS For the BIOS **ISO** image, download the file and burn it on a DVD. ### USB Key BIOS+UEFI There are many ways to burn the bootstrap image on a USB key. The easiest way that works for all operating systems is to use BalenaEtcher. We also provide other methods. #### BalenaEtcher - MAC, Linux, Windows For **MAC**, **Linux** and **Windows**, you can use [BalenaEtcher](https://www.balena.io/etcher/) to load/flash the image on a USB stick. This program also formats the USB in the process. This will work for the option **EFI IMG** for UEFI boot, and with the option **USB** for BIOS boot. Simply follow the steps presented to you and make sure you select the bootstrap image file you downloaded previously. > Note: There are alternatives to BalenaEtcher (e.g. [usbimager](https://gitlab.com/bztsrc/usbimager/)). **General Steps with BalenaEtcher:** 1. Download BalenaEtcher 2. Open BalenaEtcher 3. Select **Flash from file** 4. Find and select the bootstrap image (with your correct farm ID) 5. Select **Target** (your USB key) 6. Select **Flash** That's it. Now you have a bootstrap image on Zero-OS as a bootable removable media device. #### CLI (Linux) For the BIOS **USB** and the UEFI **EFI IMG** images, you can do the following on Linux: sudo dd status=progress if=FILELOCATION.ISO(or .IMG) of=/dev/sd* Here the * is to indicate that you must adjust according to your disk. To see your disks, write lsblk in the command window. Make sure you select the proper disk! *If you USB key is not new, make sure that you format it before burning the Zero-OS image. #### Rufus (Windows) For Windows, if you are using the "dd" able image, instead of writing command line, you can use the free USB flashing program called [Rufus](https://sourceforge.net/projects/rufus.mirror/) and it will automatically do this without needing to use the command line. Rufus also formats the boot media in the process. ## Additional Information (Optional) We cover some additional information. Note that the following information is not needed for a basic farm setup. ### Expert Mode You can use the [expert mode](https://v3.bootstrap.grid.tf/expert) to generate specific Zero-OS bootstrap images. Along the basic options of the normal bootstrap mode, the expert mode allows farmers to add extra kernel arguments and decide which kernel to use from a vast list of Zero-OS kernels. #### Use a Specific Kernel You can use the expert mode to choose a specific kernel. Simply set the information you normally use and then select the proper kernel you need in the **Kernel** drop-down list. ![](./img/bootstrap_kernel_list.png) #### Disable GPU You can use the expert mode to disable GPU on your 3Node. ![](./img/bootstrap_disable-gpu.png) In the expert mode of the Zero-OS Bootstrap generator, fill in the following information: - Farmer ID - Your current farm ID - Network - The network of your farm - Extra kernel arguments - ``` disable-gpu ``` - Kernel - Leave the default kernel - Format - Choose a bootstrap image format - Click on **Generate** - Click on **Download** ### Bootstrap Image URL In both normal and expert mode, you can use the generated URL to quickly download a Zero-OS bootstrap image based on your farm specific setup. Using URLs can be a very quick and efficient way to create new bootstrap images once your familiar with the Zero-OS bootstrap URL template and some potential varations. ``` https://.bootstrap.grid.tf//////.../ ``` Note that the arguments and the kernel are optional. The following content will provide some examples. #### Zeros-OS Bootstrapping On the [main page](https://v3.bootstrap.grid.tf/), once you've written your farm ID and selected a network, you can copy the generated URL of any given image format. For example, the following URL is a download link to an **EFI IMG** of the Zero-OS bootstrap image of farm 1 on the main TFGrid v3 network: ``` https://v3.bootstrap.grid.tf/uefimg/prod/1 ``` #### Zeros-OS Expert Bootstrap You can use the generated sublink at the **Generate step** of the expert mode to get a quick URL to download your bootstrap image. - After setting the parameters and arguments, click on **Generate** - Add the **Target** content to the following URL `https://v3.bootstrap.grid.tf` - For example, the following URL sets an **ipxe** script of the Zero-OS bootstrap of farm 1 on the main TFGrid v3 network, with the **disable-gpu** function enabled as an extra kernel argument and a specific kernel: - ``` https://v3.bootstrap.grid.tf/ipxe/test/1/disable-gpu/zero-os-development-zos-v3-generic-b8706d390d.efi ```