<h1>Set Additional Fees</h1>

<h2>Table of Contents</h2>

- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Steps](#steps)
- [TFT Payments](#tft-payments)
- [Dedicated Nodes Notice](#dedicated-nodes-notice)


## Introduction

Farmers can set additional fees for their 3Nodes on the [TF Dashboard](https://dashboard.grid.tf/). By doing so, users will then be able to [reserve the 3Node and use it as a dedicated node](dashboard@@node_finder).
This can be useful for farmers who provide additional values to their 3Nodes, e.g. a GPU card and/or high-quality hardware.

## Steps

Here are the steps to [set additional fees](dashboard@@your_farms) to a 3Node. 

* On the Dashboard, go to **Farms** -> **Your Farms**
* Under the section **Your Nodes**, locate the 3Node and click **Set Additional Fees** under **Actions**
* Set a monthly fee (in USD) and click **Set**

## TFT Payments

When a user reserves your 3Node, you will receive TFT payments once every 24 hours. These TFT payments will be sent to the TFChain account of your farm's twin.

## Dedicated Nodes Notice

Note that while any 3Node that has no workload can be reserved by a TF user as a dedicated node, when a farmer sets additional fees to a 3Node, this 3Node automatically becomes a dedicated node. For a user to run workloads on this 3Node, the 3Node must then be reserved, i.e rented as a dedicated node.